💕 "Marry Me." 💕

705 12 54

It was a rainy day in the Devildom. This made the school day even more dreary.

You sighed heavily and peered out the window into the dark sky. The rain was coming down in heavy showers that seemed to ease up every 15 minutes before deciding it wanted to have an emotional breakdown and sob its feelings out to the devils below.

You turned your attention back to the teacher in the front of the room.

"-thus explains why the Reapers waged war with--"

Nope. That was boring. If only Asmo were here..

You sneakily brought out your DDD and opened messages.

You tapped on Asmo and sent a quick text.

( Hey boo )-- MC

The demon didn't take a minute to reply.

( What's up? Your tone sounds sad.. )-- Asmo

How the Hell could he tell your tone when texting..?

( I'm boreeeddd. We should go somewhere after this rain clears up. How about that new cupcakery? )-- MC

( Sure! We'll have to get there quick. It closes at 4:00. )-- Asmo

( How long are we spending there??? )-- MC

( As long as we need~ )-- Asmo

( I'm not gettin' laid in a damn cupcakery my dear horn dog )-- MC

( Whoever said you would?? )-- Asmo

( Your dirty mind )-- MC

( Fair point.. )-- Asmo

You sighed and turned off the screen, slipping the DDD into your coat pocket.

You could already feel that this day was going to last f o r e v e r.

The fact that you knew Asmo was being a little horn dog was nagging you too.

He best hold his neigh neighs till' the two of you got home cause you sure as hell were not keen on getting hit from behind in a school bathroom or at a damn cupcakery.

The man could wait to give you your release for hours but when it came to him he wanted it ASAP.

That man was twisted in so many different ways.


You got a quickie in the janitor's closet.

He'd pulled you along when class ended and dragged you into an empty closet and made everything from the previous class disappear from your mind.

He'd ended it with "Oop.. we have five minutes until next period.. we should hurry."

It was kinda hard to hurry when your legs didn't function.

This was just a quickie too!

He helped you get fixed up and not like you had just had musical mattress in a tightly confined area over a span of 10 minutes.

The two of you practically ran to your next class, both smelling of cleaning supplies.

Asmo held the door open for you right as the bell rang.

With a peck on your cheek, the two of you settled into your seats.

One more class to go and you'd be home free.. well.. cupcakery free.

Asmo sat across from you, Soloman to his left and Simeon to your right.

You felt Asmo's foot settle against yours. This man was all physical contact no rest.

Obey Me! Asmodeus x Non-bi/Male! Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now