I: Envy

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•Jealousy, something colder than snow. Something so cold that can freeze hell over•

Kiss my scars and make me blind,For I can't see those perfect girls

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Kiss my scars and make me blind,
For I can't see those perfect girls.

Pat my head and make me forget,
For I can't keep seeing loving families.

Caress my face and love me too,
For I should too take my talent granted without paying the fines.

Hold my hand and make me drown,
For I can't bear the pressure falling on my chest.

Lord of mine,
Tell me who should I sacrifice to be a part of this world?
Tell me who's blood I need to be covered in to be the prettiest?
Who's spotlight should I kill to transfer their talent into mine?
I'm tired to work hard to be something,
And I'm tired to see your beautiful creations knowing I'm not one of them.

Just make me go away before coldness of my jealousy freeze the world,
Before anger in my heart make me commit crimes,
Before I lose myself in haze,
Just make me go away and let me hate you in peace.

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