I Will Stand By You

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Y/N was running to the dungeon with a few scorched marks all over his clothes. As well as having Tiona, Lefiya, and Riveria following behind him.

Y/N: Again. Why are you guys following me?

Riveria: Finn told you that my father had some of the Elven spy watch you. In order to ensure your safety, you are going to need a member of the Loki familia to follow you.

Tiona: Besides, you said the best way to test them is in the dungeon.

Lefiya: She's right. Those were your exact words.

Y/N: Me and my big mouth.

As the four were close to the dungeon entrance, they soon saw Bell and the others leaving the dungeon with wounded adventurers on their backs. YN soon ran to them.

Y/N: Bell!

Bell soon looked up to see Y/N running to them.

Bell: Y/N! We need your help.

Y/N soon took a look at one of the adventurers to see how badly they looked.

Y/N: What happened to them!

Alice: We found them like this. We tried to heal them the best we could have.

Woz: Apparently, they ran into a single monster that did this to them.

Lefiya: Just one did this to them!

Tiona: Did they get a look at the monster.

Woz: As far as we know, the monster was capable of breathing a purple flame that couldn't be stopped with water.

Riveria: As far as I can remember, there is no creature in the lower floors that has the ability to breathe purple flames. Or fire that can not be stopped with water.

Alice: Guess again, princess, there is one capable.

Alice soon began to look at Riveria with a look of anger. Riveria soon looked mad as well.

Riveria: Is there a problem between us?

Alice: I think there is.

Y/N soon tried to break off the fight between Riveria and Alice.

Y/N: Hey! Hey! Let's focus on these guys right now.

Riveria: Please stay out of this Y/N.

Alice: Y/N, this is between women.

Y/N soon backed away as he felt that he shouldn't get involved in what happened next, as did the rest. Y/N then walked towards Bell, who was next to Woz.

Y/N: So, how about we bring these guys to the over to the Dian Cechet familia.

Bell: Alright.

Woz: Sounds like a plan.

Soon, all three left to drop the wounded adventurers to the Dian Cechet familia's hospital. As they were leaving, Woz noticed a few other people with similar burn marks on them as well. He soon walked to one nurse who had come out of a room.

Woz: Excuse me, nurse.

Nurse: Yes?

Woz: We had just brought some people with the same kind of burn marks as those adventurers. Could you tell me what caused those injuries to those men?

The nurse looked around to see no one was around and soon nodded to Woz.

Nurse: From what one of the adventurers said, they said they were attacked by a monster that was able to breathe purple flames.

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