JJ knows that Kie is fuming. He knows that it won't be long before Kie storms up to him, maybe even grab him by the ear, and pulls him aside. He knows he'd deserve that. He knows what he's doing is realistically wrong but no one but him knows what's at stake. And he's now stuck at a crossroads.

Kie is seated by the roaring fire with her arms crossed and eyes watching him carefully. The girl no longer wears his bandana and he finds himself disappointed at that. He's got no one to blame but himself for that one. Cleo is napping and Pope, Sarah and John B have unfortunately – and annoyingly – gone on their own exploration, so this leaves him pretty much on his own with a lack of ways out. Sure, he could wake Cleo up and harass her with pointless conversation but he knows Kie's patience has worn thin and she'd just drag him away by his leg or even just talk to him whilst Cleo was there. He now believes that Kie would be past the point of caring who hears.

Maybe he could make a run for it but second guesses it as he knows Kie is practically a scenthound and could track him down quite easily. He needs to do something that he knows she won't do.

So he has two choices: face the raging inferno of Kie or dive headfirst into the strong swell.

JJ knows better than to go out in conditions like the current ones, but he needs to make sure the distance between Kie and him is lengthy and that they're not given the room to talk. Anyway, what's better than some thrill? He practically lives for it. Thrill is like a drug that is never in short supply.

With set decision, JJ tears the worn sleeveless top from his body, throws it behind him onto the sand and dives right into the ocean with an excited whoop.

The waves are incredibly choppy and actually rather dangerous. Anyone in the right mind would turn their back and walk away. But not JJ. Of course, not JJ. He practically laughs in the face of danger.

Kiara watches JJ throw himself right into the chaos and she knows that he's trying to avoid her confronting him. He's not being inconspicuous at all. Like fucking hell, he wanted to be taught how to weave by Sarah, like what the fuck? In the almost three weeks that they've been stranded, JJ has done everything to not do "basic shit", as he calls it. Activities such as weaving or making decorations like windchimes are things that JJ thinks are not fun and downright boring. It just so happens that he's suddenly 'interested' when Kiara wants to confront him about what she did wrong.

It's been biting at her. Not knowing what she did to make him ignore her is actually eating away at the girl. The only reason she didn't just force him aside earlier is because she was hoping he'd grow some balls and talk to her, himself. Now it looks like she'll have to take measures into her own hands. Does he really think she's that much of a pussy not to go out into virulent and monstrous waves like that? God, she sometimes wants to give him credit for being smarter than he looks and acts, but this is really making her reconsider offering such a compliment to this delusional blond-haired Maybank boy.

Kiara closely observes JJ from a distance away. He's diving under the forceful waves and then bobs about in the water carelessly. He'd sometimes glance her way out of the corner of his eye and get smacked in the face for the momentary distraction. She can't help but think how long he would stay out there for until he knows he'll have to come to shore. Not that she's going to wait to find out. She's silently judging when would be the best time to approach without him spotting her and somehow weaselling his way out of the inevitable.

The girl then feels an uneasy itch beginning to grow at the back of her head. She doesn't like it whatsoever. With that starting to bother her, Kiara stands and looks down to roll up her green pants. Then she looks up to where JJ is.

Except he's gone.

Kiara isn't even in the water and a wave of sudden trauma comes over her. No no no no, not again.

Stranded LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon