3. Finding Dean-o

137 15 22

Hah. Sorry for the terrible pun. It just came to me. Btw those last two chapters were extra short, but only because I had to kind of had to set the stage. Sorry. Chapters will be much longer starting now. And more details. Starrrrrrtttttttiiiiiiiinnnnnnngggggggggg........... now.

After Mrs. Orza goes on her rant about how terrible this Dean Winchester is, she shoos me out of her office, as if I wanted to be there.

Not exactly.

But this is much better than having to repeat sophomore year. I despise the grade below me.

It's full of little delinquents. For example; there's this one girl who got in a fight and beat the other girl up so bad, she's in a coma. Not to mention all the girls who are pregnant. There are at least 5 of them. Or the druggies; weed, cocaine, even meth, you name it, someone either deals it or is addicted to it.

At least my grade is a little better, not much granted, but a little.

We have all the high school stereotypical cliques like the jocks and the nerds. The punks and the preppy. Emo and artsy. Rejects and the scary kids. Stoners and skaters. Theatre kids and skanks, and then some. I just wasn't sure where Dean fit in with these social groups. Or even where to look.

I, on the other hand fit into no particular group. I have no friends. No relationships. Not even acquaintances. I'm practically invisible.

I just hope he cooperates with me because obviously I don't know him, and he doesn't know me and we can help each other out.

Basically I need to just use him.

I sigh as I walk back to biology.

I can't walk into this blindly and expect to have him accept my help.

I'll have to do some research when I get home.


School is finally out and I begin to head home. I walk out into the parking lot and get into my car.

I live not too far away from school, so it doesn't take me long to arrive at home.

I should probably check on Gabriel, he was sick this morning so I let him stay home.

I open the front door and step inside. All seems to be quiet so I proceed. As I walk farther into the house I smell something...... burning?

I then hear a yelp and the smell grows stronger. Smoke floats in a small cloud out of the kitchen and directly in my face. I cough and waves hand to disperse the smoke.

Then, a voice, "OUCH! Motherfuc-" A loud crashing noise follows.

That voice sounded like Gabriel.

Oh shit.

I drop my school bag and books and run in the kitchen.

From the doorway I take in the scene.

Gabriel is standing next to a smoking microwave, cradling his hand, with a guilty look on his face. About 5 feet away from the foul-smelling appliance, lays a broken bowl and god-knows-what on the floor. Probably some nasty-ass candy thing.

"Gabriel! What did you do this time?" I say loudly.

"Calm your tits Cassie! I was cooking something in the microwave and the bowl was too hot so I dropped it. I also may or may not have burned it a little. Geez. And there's no need to yell." He retaliates.

I roll my eyes at the nickname and throw a rag from the drawer at him. It hits him in the face and he dramatically pretends to be hurt and grabs his face with both hands, wincing when he makes contact with the burn.

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