2. Task

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Mrs. Orza walks over to her desk and plops down into her chair. To put it nicely, Mrs. Orza was...um....eccentric. She wasn't exactly your typical principal. She had an obsession a strange obsession with stuffed animals. And not the cuddly and cute kind. There were even rumours that she owned a stuffed arm.

I try to compose myself as she looks at me with questioning and slightly threatening eyes. She clears her throat, obviously waiting for me to stop. I bite my lip to keep the noises from escaping my mouth.

"You done Castiel? Because if I were you, I wouldn't laugh. This is very serious." The glare on her face tells me that she's not joking around.

This stops me dead in my tracks. If this means what I think, then I'm so done for.

This year has been one of the hardest years of my life.

I have the largest family ever. I have about a million brothers and sisters, and don't even get me started on how many cousins I have. Of course, not all of my brothers and sisters are biological, in fact, most are adopted. But it doesn't matter. We are a family.

But it doesn't exactly help that I'm the second youngest. The only two still in high school and jr. high were me and Gabriel. Gabriel was in 4 years younger than me an in 7th grade. He's 13 and I love him to death, but he has terrible and slightly gross eating habits.He was just about the only person on the planet who could eat as much candy as he did and not be morbidly obese. He ate an almost strictly sugary crap filled diet.

Sounds revolting to me. Not to mention all the candy he ate in between meals. I swear, it must be work of the divine, there is no other explanation.

Lately my family has been having difficulty. My father disappeared in August of last year. At first, we all decided to let the cops handle the situation and search for Father. But as the year dragged on and on, it became clear that the case had hit a dead end.

So that's when things went crazy.

My siblings; Michael, Uriel, Anna, Balthazar, and Hannah banded together and formed a makeshift search party, scouring the country for a trace if him. It was after about 6 weeks when I decided I could stand back and wait no more. So I did what seemed like a good idea at the time. I left town to search for Father with the others.

I realize what a dumb plan that was now. I missed way more days than I should have. More than half the year in total. By some miracle I was able to graduate and become a Junior, but I knew something was going to happen.

2 months into the search, my siblings gave up. They believed that after nearly a year of no contact, that our father was deceased. I, on the other hand, refuse to believe that. So for 2 more months I looked and looked, and I waited for a sign. But nothing happened. I gave up temporarily to finish what little of the school year I had left.

After I finished the school year I spent the entire summer looking for Father. Still no signs. It has been over a year, but I believe that Father is out there, alive.

But I thought about it constantly. I sat awake at night, thinking about where he could possibly be.

My father's disappearance made absolutely no sense. He was the leader of our family, no doubt. All of my siblings and I took orders from him and had complete faith in him. Our lives revolved around him.

We couldn't even think of a single person who would want to hurt Father, much less murder him. Or even knew him.Father was what you would call a hermit. He hadn't left the house in 13 years, since Gabriel had been born.

He sank into a deep and dark depression and stopped going out. He shunned all outside contact. Then about 2 years ago we moved here, Lawrence, Kansas. By the time we moved here Father had not gone outside the house in over 12 years besides moving day. And he definitely hadn't gone out here. So no one even knew Father in this town.

"As you know, Castiel, you missed a lot of school last year."

I can feel the blood drain from my face. This is it. They're going to make repeat sophomore year. I cannot do this. I have to finish school as soon as possible to search for Father.

"More than you should've."

No. No no no no no no no no. Shit.

"We should not have even let you pass the grade."

Stupid, stupid plan. Me and my stupid, stupid plans.

"But, however, we decided that we would overlook your absences because of your astonishingly good grades."


"On one condition only will we let you stay a junior and become a senior."


"Do you know of a student named Dean Winchester?"

I shake my head.

"Well he has also been having some difficulty lately. Coincidentally he too is a junior. He is in a situation similar to yours, you see, Mr. Winchester has not been coming to school recently and when he does, he treats the staff and other students with extreme disrespect. Starting fights, sassing the teachers, and distracting the other students from learning. It's unacceptable. The only way we can let you and him stay in school is if you help get him under control. Killing two birds with one stone. "

Ok. How hard can it be to tame Dean Winchester? I mean he's only a person.

Gay Boi [A Destiel Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now