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Name: Sally Maryam Willams/Dawn

Nickname: Skinny Sally

Family: Slenderman (adopted father), Kate (step sister), Seth (step brother), Charles/Charlie Jr (step brother),  Uncle John (dead), Unnamed Father (unknown), Unnamed mother (unknown) unnamed aunt, Kenneth (cousin)

Family: Slenderman (adopted father), Kate (step sister), Seth (step brother), Charles/Charlie Jr (step brother),  Uncle John (dead), Unnamed Father (unknown), Unnamed mother (unknown) unnamed aunt, Kenneth (cousin)

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Age: 8

Powers: float a few feet off the ground, phase through solid objects, lift certain sized objects, it varies on how 'angry' she is at the time. The angrier, the bigger the object. The calmer, the smaller the object. move things though all her powers rely on how angry she is. However using her powers takes a toll on her energy.

Best friends: Armless Bob and Grandpa

Good/Evil: Broken, Good

Caused of death: (was s*xually abused) Uncle John crushed her skull with a rock because she told on him.

Goals: find her parents and cousin, save the world from Zalgo,  kill her uncle (succeeded)

Enemies: Bad Pastas, Zalgo, Granny, Slendrina

Friends: Proxies/Good Pastas/Guardians, Chosen Ones, Ancient Ones.

Chosen/Ancient: Guardian/Proxy



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In my Arms-Ledger

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In my Arms-Ledger

SJ10 Meets The Pastas: Bio of Characters and DevicesWhere stories live. Discover now