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Comenzar desde el principio

Not to mention hearing Yamirs dad talk so casually about killing people was terrifying—he had no remorse, no emotion besides anger...even to bring kids into it.

"Baby I—" Yamir started talking as he exited his bathroom, but then paused when he saw my state.

"What's wrong?" He asked immediately, walking over to me.

I was still frozen in fear, unable to answer his questions.

"Hayden, what happened?" He repeated, "Talk to me.." he mumbled as he started wrapping his arms around me.

"Y-your dad..." I muttered, which immediately caused him to stiffen.

"my dad?" He questioned in response.

I backed up from his embrace so we could see each other's faces.

How in the hell was I even supposed to approach this, what if he didn't know—I don't want to break a family apart.

But he wasn't gonna let this go—now that he had seen me like this he wasn't gonna let either of us go to sleep until I opened up to him. Not that I could even sleep after that anyways.

"I-I heard something, I don't know..." I mumbled.

"Maybe I misinterpreted it—I don't know—I-I just, and then h-he said—" my frantic rant was cut off when he spoke.

"Hayden breathe." He said comfortingly, "c'mere." He then mumbled, walking us back over to his bed where we took a seat on top of it.

"breathe in," he instructed.


"out." He continued.


"Now talk to me—what freaked you out so bad?" He questioned again.

After taking one last deep breath I spoke, "I was going to get your phone—then I heard your dad and uncles talking."

"Um, I didn't think anything of it at first, but then I heard your dad talking kinda crazy Yamir...a-and like I said, maybe I'm just misinterpreting what they were talking about b-but—" I paused again.

"You heard him say something that scared you." He nodded knowingly, which caused me to nod in agreement.

After a brief sigh, he spoke again,

"Baby ask me what you really wanna ask..." he told me calmly.

I swallowed the nervous lump in my throat and then began to speak, "mir what is your dads job?"

His eyes immediately dropped, and his expression looked almost guilty.

That really told me everything I needed to know—again, my heart dropped.

I stood up from his bed and began slowly backing away from him, eyes wide.

"Just let me explain.." he mumbled.

"Y-you knew..." I whispered lowly in shock.

"Baby." He stood up, looking over at me with pleading eyes.

I swear, standing here—watching how he was reacting to everything I just told him.

Everything was starting to make sense...

"The fake name he gave me at first, the police officer letting us go after hearing your last name, the fact he's never home..." I ranted lowly, still backing up as Yamir edged closer to me.

Eventually, I couldn't back up anymore, and my back hit the wall with a soft thud.

"Can you just let me explain Hayden, please.." he begged, coming to a halt in front of me.

𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐌𝐫.𝐑𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora