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Dear Mr.Right

Going on my first date today, I've literally never been more nervous in my life. Not even for that stupid presentation, this is crazy. I just hope I don't do anything embarrassing. What if I trip and fall and then he doesn't like me anymore and stops talking to me......
brb gonna kms.

After calling Hayden and letting him know I was outside, I took my usual stance of leaning against my car while I waited for him

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After calling Hayden and letting him know I was outside, I took my usual stance of leaning against my car while I waited for him.

He was actually taking a little long so I figured he was probably still getting dressed—and overthinking whatever he had chosen to put on.

Truthfully speaking though, it did not matter what he put on, To me, he looked good in everything. He was genuinely the most attractive person I'd ever seen.

It's so crazy how he was both handsome and pretty, and even crazier how he barely realized it.

I can't even lie, I was nervous too. Sure by this point we both knew we had feelings for each other, but a date was next level—and this was the first time I had a crush on someone.

Yesterday I was really scared that I was gonna mess up, and because I knew I wasn't doing anything 'bad' I got kinda mad and talked to him in a way I didn't like.

It's not really even something I can explain—but it was really hard for me to try and wrap my head around why he was acting how he was.

I was asking him what was wrong, but he would tell me it was nothing even when it was clearly something. It was like he wanted me to read his mind, and obviously, no matter how hard I tried to do that, I couldn't.

I just really don't wanna mess this up, he was perfect for me. If I could build a girlfriend, boyfriend, or anything in between,  from the ground up—it would be Hayden.

This had to work.

Finally, breaking me from my thoughts was the boy who I'd been stressing over.

After locking up his house he walked over to me, dressed nicely in cargo pants, a graphic tee, and some chucks. He had a really good sense of style, he reminded me of them people off Tiktok, imma have to get him to dress me up one day so I can upload it on mine.

As usual, we met for a hug as he approached me, every-time we hugged he had a habit of inhaling. I'm not sure if he knew that I noticed, but it's fine because I liked it. Maybe I was good at calming him down.

"You spoiling me by looking this good." I flirted, squeezing him a bit tighter in my arms.

"stop.." he mumbled, another habit he formed when he was clearly blushing.

Once he backed up and we could get another look at each other he spoke, "You're talking about how I look—look at you." He pouted.

"Fresh hair cut, hair curled out naturally, and wearing a tank-top." He spoke.

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