A couple of minutes later we actually left the store and returned to just aimlessly exploring the mall.

"Can I ask you a question, and you don't have to answer."

I shot her a look which forced her to speak again.

"Wait it's not about your sexuality." She laughed.

"Oh ok sure." I nodded.

"Have you ever gotten your heart broken and it was entirely your own fault?" She asked sadly.

With a sigh, I nodded, "I've had so many crushes that just ended up being nothing but that—a crush."

"Either they were just straight or already taken. Self inflicted heartbreak is almost the story of my life." I laughed humorlessly.

She looked over at me as we shared a sad expression then spoke, "I asked because I fell for this guy I was talking to for a while, and it just didn't end up well."

"Oh I'm sorry, what happened—if you don't mind me asking?" I asked sympathetically

"well, we weren't even together honestly. I'm not gonna say his name just because he is very private but basically it was just a sneaky link." She started.

"Then I eventually began to catch feelings and now we don't even speak anymore." She added with sadness.

"I wouldn't blame yourself though, who wouldn't catch feelings if it was on such a consistent basis." I comforted.

"I mean I guess, but he was so clear with his intentions—and I wasn't even trying to catch any feelings, it kinda just happened. He's such a genuinely good guy that it only took me two months to realize I wanted more than what we had going on." She ranted.

"Did you tell him?" I asked.

"yeah kinda, but I really just get the feeling he's talking to someone else—seriously. The last time we were about to hook up we didn't even go all the way. We literally just made out before he up and left." She sighed.

I could tell from her body language and how she was telling the story that she really was hurt—I felt so bad for her.

"Honestly Angie I would say that you deserve more than to be a sneaky link. Yeah he may not be ready for a relationship with you—but I'm a firm believer that people will change for who they want to." I shrugged.

"you gotta treat yourself better." I finished.

"You're right," she spoke as she forced a small smile, "it just hurts a little bit—I'll get over it."

I smiled sympathetically before pulling her in for a small hug.

We spent a couple more minutes at the mall before she dropped me off back home.

Once I was clean and changed I called up Yamir so he could head over and we could start working on our presentation.

It didn't take him long to arrive and before I knew it I was downstairs opening the door for the taller boy.

"hey," I greeted as I stepped aside and allowed him in before closing the door behind him.

"Hey," he replied as he waited for me to turn around before engulfing me in a hug.

"O-oh, alright." I mumbled before hugging him back.

"My bad—you said you hug people instead of dapping them up so—" he chuckled.

"I honestly forgot about that but yeah—I just wasn't expecting it." I told him truthfully.

"I don't usually hug people with arms like that." I teased, pointing to his biceps.

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