"I have some stuff to send you, but I'm afraid it will be damaged if I told a maid to do it." He explained, "Actually, while I take the rest, Niki will stay here to accompany you." He added and sprinted out of the room, leaving Seulhyun as her mouth was opened to turn down the vampire. However, before she could speak, the latter had already left.

Dismissing her disdained face, the young prince diverted his attention to the objects on her table. Everything was out of place as he spotted a few spilled potions near the cauldron. He saw splatters on her apron—some stains had dried on her face causing him to stifle a laugh. Unfortunately, the girl had heard him and stared at him, "What?"

Prince Niki cleared his throat. "Nothing." He spoke, earning a suspicious stare from her. She clicked her tongue and bent down to read her book. "Close the cauldron after hints of purple colors the liquid."
Hearing her, Niki took what looked like the lid of the cauldron and handed it to her, but Seulhyun was too immersed in herself to notice his hand as she continued searching for the lid. "What- Where did it go?" She asked herself.

Niki couldn't help but shook his head. "And she calls me the stupid one." He whispered.

"Over here." He gained her attention, resulting a content smile to grow on her face.
"Thank you."

The girl continued to read the following steps while Niki took the time to observe her brewery. Truth to be told, it was his first time stepping foot in a brewery since Sunoo restricts everyone from entering his brewery except for Jungwon.

The brewery was still quite messy. There were things that weren't organized yet—some of them randomly lying on the floor while others were in use. He noticed a branch of wood that formed into a letter 'L' with a few algae stuck on it. Is there supposed to be a bird here?
"Do you own a pet?"

Seulhyun shook her head, "No," She replied.
"Why is there a roost then?"
"That's Mrs. Kang's companion, Ju. He's an owl, but as you see, he's gone hunting."
Niki hummed in acknowledgment, eyeing the room before looking at the cauldron. His hand leaned on the counter, supporting his body weight as he gazed at the girl.
"What about your companion?"
"I haven't found mine."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Niki asked. He didn't know a single thing about witches and companions, so he was eager to learn.

"Each wizard or witch has a companion of their own. Usually the companion will find them, and from what Mrs. Kang told me, you just know that they're your partner." She explained, "A companion can be anything as long as it's an animal."

"In my case, I haven't found it yet." She told.
The young prince didn't know whether she was sad or not because her face was out of his sight.

"What's in the pot?" He diverted the subject.

The brunette put her hands on her hips, "Why are you so curious?" She asked. Was he interested in potions?
"I'm just scared you might poison us." He bluntly stated.

Seulhyun's eyes grew wide as her hands fell, clearly offended by him accusation. How could he? She has done so much work just for the sake of the royal family and yet this is what she gets? A scoff left her lips as anger bubbled inside of her, fighting the urge to lash out on the prince, reminding herself of the consequences she'll have to face.

"Does this recipe look like a poisonous potion to you?" The brunette held up the book in front of his face, arching her brow as she judged the book closer to him. "Does it?" She challenged.

Receiving silence for the prince the girl smirked, setting the book down. "That's what I thought." She said, feeling satisfied with the outcome, knowing very well she had left him speechless.

"Next time if you want to make a joke, make it better." She told him as she sent him a sickly-sweet smile to him before storming out of the room.

Niki stared at the empty space, amazed at her comeback skills as he chuckled. "Wow.." He gaped. Her words kept playing in his head as he leaned on the counter, fiddling with the metal spoon she had been stirring with.

In that moment, Sunoo had returned with a bag full of resources and his face contorted with confusion as he saw a missing person in the brewery. "Where did Seulhyun go?"
"Let me help you."
"But where did she-"
"Probably to ease her mind."

Idk if this makes sense-But thank you so much for all of you who are reading ❣️

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Idk if this makes sense-
But thank you so much for all of you who are reading ❣️

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