Itachi:you're helping the enemy

Naruto:only if you manage to kill me, and if i am to die then so be it but I'll day with honor i refuse to accept a win when you are so close to death yourself

*Itachi took his left arm out of his robe not feeling as much pain from it as before as he activated his own weapons*

Itachi:you're not the only one that's been training Uzumaki...

*itachi activated his susanoo only appearing over his arms as two weapons came in to existence. Itachi's  Yata Mirror and Totsuka Blade. Much smaller versions then when itachi is in full susanoo making them a much weaker version, but with the seal now placed he'll have to make due*

*Both Shinobi looked at each other waiting for the other to make the first move. Itachi
quickly brought totsuka up above his shoulder before launching it across the field like a spear for naruto with killing intent behind the shot. Naruto sliced the sword just in time to change the blow's direction and send the  blade upwards.*

Itachi:Nice block.

* The voice came from behind him, hot breath pressing against his ear. Naruto frowned slightly before twisting around and swinging his blade for Itachi's hip

*itachi dropped into a split in front of the jinjuriki, his blade passing over him harmlessly. he pressed a paper bomb right on naruto's solar plexus, jumping away as he actives it , the bang echoed though out the area while knocking the wind out of shadow Naruto's lungs. The male fell flat on his back, grasping for air but he didn't disappear. as totsuka slammed into the floor next to his head. Itachi slammed his foot onto Naruto's face while pulling totsuka  from the ground the shadow clone disappeared making the original Naruto grunt slightly.

Itachi"he improved the shadow clone technique it can take more then one punch but the drawbacks must be that he feels it when they disappear"

*he raised the blade just in time to block a strike from Naruto, a kunai with a paper bomb was being throwned to Itachi's face Acting on instincts alone, he raised his shield to block the shot. The force of the bullet was strong enough to send them both  back a little while itachi zipped pass him, heading for another of his clones, confusion laid on Naruto's face when it hit him*

Naruto"he figured out my new clone justsu that fast?"

*The clone swings his sword at itachi who In part. dropped onto his knees, sliding under the swing before shooting back up and onto his feet. he continued his rush forward for the clone farthest away from him who was now forcing him to block his kunai's with totsuka. The moment he was within range she swung totsuka for C Naruto's legs; The clone quickly flipped over the blade landing on his feet rather roughly. He raised his blade up to block another attack, to his surprised itachi thrust the hilt of totsuka for his face. He turned his head just in time to avoid the electric attack coming from the hilt. Making the original look at itachi with more curiosity

Naruto"I've sealed a good chunk of his his chakra and he can still use them without problem itachi Uchiha i can see why Orochimaru was fascinated by you"

itachi:Focus Uzumaki

*Itachi  ordered without Naruto noticing itachi made it to the original , raising his blade above his head with two hands, he swung down for his face. Naruto managed to block this strike with his own blade, surprised by the abnormal strength of the sick Uchiha still had. Itachi slammed his foot into the side of Naruto's knee causing his leg to buckle and allowing itachi to end their short live struggle. he pulled her blade back as if he was ready to attack again before a clone appeared behind him electricity buzzing though his blade as he swung it at itachi, The moment his sword connected, a powerful gust of wind appeared as itachi was transformed in to crows disappearing in to the darkness of the room. All 3 Naruto's concentrated trying to find Itachi's chakra signatures but no luck*

Naruto;where did he....

*itachi appeared under Naruto breaking the ground and punching Naruto against the bottom of his chin, The force of the punch snapped Naruto's mouth shut, making him bite into his tongue. Naruto growl, stumbling backwards from the punch that rocked his brain. Before naruto could think of a counter attack or recover from the deadly blow to the head; itachi appeared in front of him. His legs raised to his chest as he drop kicked the jinjuriki, sending him straight out of the room where she collided with the wall. Hard breaking it on impact. The Naruto turned to smoke as the original Naruto spits out blood from his mouth to the floor*

Naruto:damn it i guess this strategy won't work on you

*Naruto made the last clone disappear not wanting to be so easily injured a third time*

Itachi:i was the wrong opponent to try that double edge sword shadow clone Uzumaki

Naruto: hm, I'll admit i let my excitement of the new justsu get the better of me and use it at the wrong setting but that doesn't matter much does it?

*Naruto twirled his sword as he got in to fighting position again, itachi doing the same but I'm a much slower more calm fashion, Itachi blinked, the moments he did Naruto vanished from existence much like itachi did moments before. The only difference being the fact that he didn't go underground probably knowing it would result in itachi getting another punch in. Itachi was not sasuke, his senses were heightened to incredible levels and his battle instincts were the same. This was the only reason why itachi reacted quick enough to blow the attack that came from his right side, Naruto's blade grazed his shield creating sparks from the attack. Naruto sucked his teeth when itachi pushed the blade aside with his shield, swinging his own sword for Naruto's head. Naruto's eyes widen as the blade started coming down and.....*

To be continued or on Patreon

Special thanks to:

Ben knight


Jacob Mooe



nT_wolf 0


Ayham Alqaissi

José Ruiz Dé Austri

George Alves

Thai Nguyen

Trevor Ferguson

Ty Kennedy

Jameil fluker





William Washington




Thank you again for the donation

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