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Damara had been with the Weasley's for the summer ever since she ran away from her home. George had been sharing his bed with her as they promised Mrs. Weasley that they wouldn't give her grand babies yet. Damara and Molly were in the kitchen as they waited for them to come when all the sudden they heard a warp. They went outside and saw Harry and Hagrid as Damara spoke up, "Where's George and the others?" Harry seemed confused and then another came and by then everyone was there. Fred was on the couch as Damara was taking care of him as George was watching his gf take care of his brother. Earlier that summer he and Fred were looking at rings for this year he wanted to ask Damara to be his bride. George watch as his gf fall asleep taking care of his brother and Molly came over and said, "Take her to bed. I'll take care of your brother. She seemed exhausted." He nodded grabbing his gf bringing her to his bedroom and laid beside his gf as they fell asleep.

    The next morning everyone was getting the wedding ready as Damara helped Hermione and Fluer for the wedding

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The next morning everyone was getting the wedding ready as Damara helped Hermione and Fluer for the wedding. Gabrielle who was Fluer's little sis was doing her hair as Damara did her makeup and hours later was the wedding. After Fluer becoming a Weasley they had a party and the bride and groom danced. George stood beside Damara and his twin watching their older brother smile at his bride. George then said, "You know something?" Damara looked at George and said, "What do I know?" George smiled down at his girl and said, "Your last name Malfoy should be changed to Weasley." Damara eyes widened as she blushed then all the sudden a big ball of light appeared saying that the minister of magic was dead. That's when Damara and the twins looked at their family and Arthur ran up to them and said, "Remember the plan. Keep each other safe till we know anything else." They nodded and aparated to their shop and closed everything down.
Months went by and everything is still the same and everything had a routine. Let's just say the George and Damara were very sexual during the time and Damara had recently felt sick. Damara used a spell because she had a feeling that she was feeling sick because of something. She was right, she was pregnant with Georges kid but she was scared to tell him but George had a plan to ask Damara to be his wife. Later that night George and Damara stayed up since it was their night to keep eye and George looked at Damara. "Damara?" She hummed as she looked at him humming and he grabbed her hand with the box in the other.
"Damara I would be honored for you to be my Weasley girl for the next Weasley wedding. Will you marry me?" Damara was shocked with tears in her eyes as she said, "Even if a little Weasley joined the wedding?" George smiled hearing this knowing that he meant their baby Weasley and he said, "Yes, very much yes." They kissed each other till they heard on the radio and knew that it was time.


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