Blood Words

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The next few days has been amazing and her friendship with Ginny and Luna have grown. Ever since the friendship they have become popular which they don't care for. Draco wasn't happy about this but promised Damara he wouldn't tell their father about her friendship. During lunch Draco and Damara were talking when all the sudden they heard a loud noise and looked toward the Gyrffindor table. 

"RONALD WEASLEY! HOW DARE YOU STEAL THAT CAR! I AM ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTED. YOU FATHER IS NOW FACING AN IQUIRY AT WORK AND IT'S ENTIRELY YOUR FAULT. IF YOU PUT ANOTHER TOE OUT OF LINE WE'LL BRING YOU STRAIGHT HOME! Oh and Ginny dear congratulations on making Gryffindor you father and I are so proud." Everyone stayed silent and Draco looked at Damara and said, "Hopefully father doesn't hear. We need to talk to Severus about keeping this secret and maybe tell mother."

Damara nodded and headed to class. After the last few classes she decided to visit Severus to explain to him about something. She knocked on his classroom door as she heard him and walked inside and said, "Uncle Severus there is something I want to discuss to you about." Sitting in a chair across from him and he looked at his goddaughter and said, "What is it that you need to speak about?" Damara took a breathe and said, "I would like yo to keep my friendship with Luna Lovegood and Ginny Weasley a secret." Severus looked at her with his normal face and said, "Why would you want me to do that. You father trusts me and I don't intent to break that."

Damara looked at Severus and said, "You know how my father is like Uncle Severus. He only wants me to be friends with pureblood but mother raised me differently. Please Uncle Severus." Severus took a breathe and looked at his niece and said, "Very well. But if something does happen between the 3 of you I will do something about it. Do you understand?" Damara nodded getting out of her seat and headed to the great hall for dinner. 

After dinner everyone was heading toward their common rooms but then all stopped to see wording at the wall. "Draco the words are in blood. What do you think it means?" Draco looked at his little sister and shrugged then read it out loud. "The Chamber of Secret's has been open. Enemies of the heir beware." Then Draco looks at Hermione Granger one of Harry Potter friends and said, "You'll be next mudblood." After Dumbledore shoo'd them away. Draco and Damara went to their room and Damara said, "Do you think it has to do with that book?" Draco looks at his sister and said, "What book?" Damara looked at Draco as she braided her hair and said, "Father put a book in Ginny's cauldron secretly but I caught it."

Draco looked at his sister and said, "I don't know. Honestly I have no clue. Just don't worry about it too much and keep an eye on your weaslette friend." Damara nodded headed to her room and got changed so she can sleep.

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