Kaidens face said it all he was not entertained by my jokes. "I got this email from Quinn." I handed him the email and he read it quickly. "Why did you not show?" I asked him curiously. "Her dog is sick. But we will see if she shows tomorrow I'm sure she will if she still wants a job." He stated tossing the page aside and continuing typing away on his computer. "Have you figured anything else out?" I asked. "No I haven't but when I do I'll be sure to tell you as soon as possible." He mumbled to me.

"Okay..." I mumbled softly before finding my way towards the door. "Wait." He breathed. I turned around to looked at him his eyes watching me closely. "Entertain me." He said leaning back in his chair and I looked at him questioning. "I need something to brighten my mood entertain me." I stared for a moment thinking of something to do. I reached my hand up to the sky then wrapped them around myself. I slowly turned as I shook my ass slowly to my own rhythm.

I moved my hands down my hips and then all the way down my legs until they came to my heels. I unlaced the buckles and I slipped them off smoothly moving them aside from my motion. Kaiden sat there biting his lips his eyes dark with lust. I slowly walked towards his desk and I sat on the top of it. "You act like you want to be fucked." He said under his breath. "And if I do?" I asked and he growled. "I don't think you know what you're asking for." I smirked at him. "Think I can test the waters."

Kaiden reached out for me and he cupped my cheek pulling my lips into his. This time his slow soft kisses were craving the taste of mine. He bit my lip pulling it towards him before letting go. "I'd fuck your tight pussy until you can't handle it anymore." He whispered into my ear and I groaned. "Please." I begged and he kissed me once more. "Not here I don't want our first time to be sitting here in my office." He explained and I groaned throwing my legs over the desk completely so I could smoothly sit myself into his lap.

"You said you wanted entertainment so let me entertain you." He rolled his eyes. "Not the kind of entertainment that I particularly was thinking." I leaned into his ear. "But it's what you were wanting." He shifted under me clearly he was getting uncomfortable in his dress pants. Not to mention I could feel his hard on under me. I bit my lip and stared into his eyes. "Denali you're about to last yourself into a dangerous place if you keep going." I smirked at him. "Don't tempt me with a good time." He groaned as I shifted on top of him rubbing myself purposely.

My already too short skirt raise up to my hips and his hands fun their way to my bare thighs. He gripped them with his fingers. "Dani-" "Kaiden?" I asked curious to see what he had to say because I knew damn well he was enjoying himself just as I was. "You're not even wearing underwear." I giggled for a second. "I normally don't." He shook his head at me. "You're such trouble." That's when I heard a knock on the door and Kaiden in one swift movement lift me off his lap and pulled my skirt down as far as it could go.

"Come in!" He said urgently. A man walked in with some papers. "Mr. Hark I'm you 11 am appointment I didn't see anyone at the desk in the front lobby." Kaiden stood shaking the mans hand. If only that man knew that the very hand Kaiden just gave was touching my bare skin just seconds ago. "Yes my apologies she is out sick. This is my personal receptionist Miss Cooper if you need any help during your visit you are welcome to ask her anything she's very knowledgeable." I blushed under the sudden attention on me. I shook the man's hand as well. Oh how ironic "It's a pleasure to meet you." I greeted.

"Miss Cooper would you excuse us?" Kaiden asked giving me a certain look that I could only translate to. "Let me work and stop distracting me." I smiled to myself before nodding my head at Kaiden. "Mr. Hark." I said in a overly sweet tone before quickly making my way out of the office. I sat down at my desk and decided it was best if I too get some work done.

About an hour later Kaiden's office door opened and the man and Kaiden walked out. "Are you planning to make it to the charity gala this year?" The man asked Kaiden. "Yes I am I think I can add it to my plans." The man smiled shaking Kaiden's hand. "Great! I'll see you then." The man nodded his head at me as a goodbye before heading down the hall. "Denali add the Charity gala to the 12th of this month." Kaiden said and I opened his calendar and did as he asked.

"Also... Would you be my date?" He asked me making his way to the front of my desk. I stared a him for a moment. "You want me to be your date to a gala?" I asked surprised he smirked laughing at my reaction. "Yes sweetie I'd like you to be there with me not just for business but as my date." I smiled back at him. "I' love too! But I'm going to have to find dress." Kaiden waved my comment off. "I'll give you my credit card next weekend and I'll set you up with a designer to get a dress perfectly suited for you." I shook my head at him.

"You don't have to all of that now." I scolded and he reached for my hand and kissed the top of it. "Yes I do because my princess should be treated as such." My heart fluttered at his words that he spoke. "Well I'll also mark it in my calendar so I can remember." I said and he nodded his head once. "Also what are you doing this weekend?" He asked curiously. "Nothing as far as I know." He smirked. "Come spend the night with me. I'd like to show you some things." He said and I blushed at his words. "Okay I can do that."

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