CH. 4

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Day 1-7

Hiruzen sat across from Naruto. Both of them sitting cross-legged on wooden posts materialized from their chakra. Hiruzen was puffing smoke and relaxing, and Naruto was concentrating but wasn't straining.

"Do you know the purpose of this test, Naruto?" Hiruzen knew that this was a better way to gain chakra control over large amounts of chakra. It was more suitable for those like Naruto, who had massive amounts of chakra.

Naruto tilted his head as the pillar fluctuated slightly. "I think it's for controlling chakra right? Maybe expanding it to?" As Naruto stopped speaking the pillar grew solid once more.

"That's correct. I'm teaching you this in place of the leaf exercise." Naruto tilted his head as the chakra pillar began to fluctuate heavily, a symptom of his losing his focus. Naruto, realizing this roped in his chakra and continued to sit, unspeaking.

"I can see that you need a great deal of concentration. It's good that you realized and decided to focus on the pillar." Naruto smiled at the compliment. "Go ahead and step down, I want to teach you a jutsu that's normally forbidden."

Naruto's eyes widened. "Aren't forbidden jutsu often harmful to the user?" Hiruzen smiled slightly. "In most cases yes, however, this one is safe for anyone with a very large chakra pool."

Naruto was filled with glee. If he had one thing, it was chakra and a lot of it.

"Watch closly Naruto..." Hiruzen seemed to brace himself. "I can only show you once." Naruto dropped everything and stared into Hiruzen's hands.


Around a hundred clones appeared around the two. All of the clones were in the perfect sink, looking at Naruto, they even blinked at the same time. Hiruzen began to sweat as he was forced to dispel the clones.

"Naruto, I want you to just use that last seal. That should start you out with one." Naruto's eyes were the size of dinner plates, and his jaw was on the ground. "Sarutobi-Sensei! What was that called?!" Hiruzen gave a happy smile at his student's amazement. "Multi-Sadow Clone Jutsu. Using only the last seal should give you one clone."

Naruto nodded his head, he put his hands in formation and funneled chakra like he would a normal clone. However Naruto saw that Hiruzen was winded from the jutsu, so he used much more chakra than normal.


"Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Two Narutos appeared beside the original. The three look at each other and immediately grow ecstatic. "Alright! Now it's time for the second."

Naruto looked to Hiruzen, his eyes seeming to ask for permission.  Hiruzen gave a nod as Naruto made the seals.


A ridiculous amount of chakra came from Naruto. He didn't think he had this much. Almost one thousand clones appeared around the master student duo. The clones, although not in the perfect sink, all functioned properly.

"Quickly Naruto! Dispel the clones!" Naruto dispelled them and eminently got a massive headache that went away after a few seconds.

"Naruto!" Hiruzen ran to Naruto, expecting him to pass out. Naruto however just stood there, he quickly recovered both his mind and his chakra.

"What the" Both Naruto and Hiruzen said this at the same time. They both knew that shadow clones carried information. That was their strength. That many should've caused sensory overload...

Naruto shot around looking behind him. "I thought I felt something..."


Hiruzen couldn't hear what was going on in Naruto's mind, but he had a strange feeling. He slowly walked to Naruto and placed a hand on Naruto's shoulder.

Naruto is (not) an idiot [RECONTINUED!]Where stories live. Discover now