CH. 3

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Naruto woke up sore from last week's training with Hiruzen and Konohamaru. His progress is notable, much better than running from villagers and shinobi. 

He gets up and eats breakfast. Although he wanted ramen, Hiruzen had thrown it all out. Replacing it all with fresh, healthy food, he even got Naruto more milk! 

After eating his fruit salad and a glass of milk he walks over to his dresser and takes out his headband, given to him by Hiruzen. It was the one his father used to wear. At least that's what Hiruzen said...

After walking through the village square, getting his usual comments and glares, he arrives at the academy. He takes his seat and holds his chin with his hands, in a similar manner to Hiruzen.

"Excuse me, may I pass?" the question rang in the air. The boy standing next to Naruto, the boy teasing Naruto about failing previously, promptly moved aside for the pink-haired girl. She began to walk forward.

"Skooch over Naruto." Naruto makes forward slightly to make way. Sakura takes a seat between the two.

Sakura took a seat between Naruto and a raven-haired boy. It was evident that she was trying to hold in a squeal.

That must be Sasuke, I heard a lot of rumors regarding the Uchiha. I hope most aren't true... Naruto at the time was thinking only of the lonesomeness that must've been felt by Sasuke.

"So how was your-" Sakura was cut off by a glare from Sasuke. In response she looked down into her lap, it was clear that he wanted nothing to do with anyone. Naruto was fuming. How dare he do that to his friend. Give her the same glare so many have given him.

"What gives you the right?" Naruto was on top of a desk, glaring into his eyes. "Get lost" was the only thing uttered from Sasuke's lips. Ignoring shout of 'hit 'im Susuke' from dozens of fan girls, the two just glared. The tension between the two increased when the sudden movement of the person behind Naruto knocked him over.

Needless to say, Naruto was freaking out, his new skills ringing through his mind, terrified. He didn't want to fall onto Sasuke, especially if that ended the way he thought. So he did the only thing he could think of, he did a substitution...

Sakura promptly landed on Sasuke's lips both of their eyes widening, both for different reasons. Sakura, of course, freaked out due to kissing Sasuke. Sasuke however, was surprised that Naruto pulled off a perfect substitution jutsu.

Sakura was shoved off by Sasuke, only for Sasuke to glare at Naruto. "How did you learn that?!" Naruto after seeing Sakura being pushed off the desk was fuming. Everyone was glaring at Naruto, Sasuke, or Sakura. This does not bode well.

This is when the nearby spectator stepped in. A man with silver, gravity-defying hair stepped into the room. His face was covered by a mask, and his left eye was covered by his shinobi headband. The sudden appearance of the masked shinobi made most of the class jump and look away all but Naruto.

"Damnit Sasuke! I should kick your ass for doing that to my friend!" Sakura looked on in awe, as many girls began to fume. "Like you even could." The response from Sasuke was cold and harsh. "Damn, teme! I want a weighted spar! If I win, you're apologizing to Sakura!" Kakashi narrowed his eyes.

"Naruto. You know what a weighted spar means. Do you want that on your sensei's name?" Naruto froze. "I know you're better than this, Naruto. You should take care of your friend instead." Naruto sighed out of his anger. Kakashi always knew how to wind him down.

"Fine, but I don't like it." Kakashi smiled, but Sasuke was fuming.

"I want the spar." Kakashi looked over, exasperated. "A real Shinobi backs up his threats. I want him to admit he's nothing." Naruto grew irate, but kept still, knowing if he made a move he wouldn't stop.

"I wouldn't provoke him, Sasuke. I already wound him down. If you try to spar and lose, you know well what you'll lose. That spar in the first place will put a bad name on your clan." Sasuke fumed.

"That's why I won't lose! I'm going to fight him!" Naruto just began to walk out of the room. "I'm not going to stroke your ego. It was wrong of me to bring it up in the first place. I'm going to go apologize to Jiji, Hatake-san." Kakashi nodded.

"If you don't stop and face me, I'll declare clan feud!" Everyone froze. The clan feud was a massive deal. It wasn't something that could be thrown around. They've been known to start Shinobi wars. The first was caused because of the fight between the Senju and Uchiha, weakening the leaf.

The next was between the Uzumaki and the major clans of Iwa, Kiri, and Kumo. It ended in the destruction of a village and another great Shinobi war.

Naruto slowly turned around. "If you declare a feud. I'll end what Itachi Uchiha started, and mount your head on the walls of Uzushiogakure." Naruto's voice began switching from his ordinary voice to something... different.

"What Uzu? We both know there's nothing to defend-." The Uchiha began to suffocate from the chakra in the air, as did the rest of the academy students. Even Kakashi was sweating. He looked at Naruto and saw his eyes morph. He was about to pounce when a hand stopped him.

"Naruto. Sasuke went too far, your mentioning of a weighted spar was improper, but nothing punishable. Sasuke, it's known that a clan feud is illegal without the express permission of the Hokage and Daimyo. I'm going to have you train for a month under Kakashi, maybe you'll learn something." Sasuke looked like he was about to argue, but was silenced by a glare from Kakashi.

"Hakage-sama, I would advise you to keep Uchiha-san away from me. I'd prefer not to cause an incident larger than this." Hiruzen nodded. "Noted, Naruto-kun. Apologies, everyone. Sakura, you'll be getting an official letter of apology and compensation for your physical harm within the day. Naruto, you'll be coming with me, we need to talk." The two disappear.


Naruto was sitting down at the Hokage Monument.

"I'm sorry for bringing up the spar, Sensei. I should've known better than that." Hiruzen sighed. 

"You're young, and your friend was hurt. I expected you to retaliate, it was my fault for not making sure you knew the weight of a weighted spar." Naruto looked down.

"I'm sorry for making a scene. I- I should've-." Naruto was at a loss for words.

"Kept your cool? Bah! If someone had thrown a threat like that at me when I was your age, I may have skipped the threats and gone straight to action." Naruto smiled. "That being said, if I don't make it look like you're being disciplined, I'll have a mass to clean up with the council." Naruto sighed. "I guess you'll have the same punishment as young Sasuke. One month of intense training, given I'm already your Sensei, will be with me." Naruto smiled and leaned into Hiruzen's side.

"I guess we'll just be going back to training huh."

Naruto is (not) an idiot [RECONTINUED!]Where stories live. Discover now