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"So what am I doing?" The tall demon asked the kashuki escort. The person craned their head up to meet the dead blue eyes of the demon. The hard gaze made them shiver uncomfortably.

"You will be training with the hashira." They responded curtly before looking back down and shuffling slightly. Kimiona let out a chuckle, amused by the fear the human held because of her.

"Very well, how soon do we start?"

"Right now!" A voice shouted behind the demon. She turned leisurely, meeting the eye of a yellow and red haired man. He looked overly eager. "I am Rengoku, the fire Hashira!" He drew his blade, while four others stood back observing. "Let's fight!" He exclaimed before rushing the demon.

She let out a laugh, causing the hair on four individual's necks to raise. It was high pitched, and eerily childish.

The flame hashira swung at her, not using a special technique. Kimiona lifted her arm to block, and his blade sliced her arm off cleanly. The man left a lingering feeling of enthusiasm.

Her thumb claw was pressed into her finger pad, drawing blood and letting it evaporate to float around her, sensing various things.

This time, the hashira used a flame technique and sliced at his opponent's legs. She simply stepped aside before disappearing.

Rengoku turned slowly with his blade at the ready, who knew what her next move would-

A hand grabbed his throat as she appeared in front of him. The man was lifted into the air.

Kimiona distinctly heard four blades draw.

Fear. Anger.

Rengoku lowered his sword, nodding for his opponent to put him down. She did so, of course, and grabbed his head. The tall demon moved it around to make sure she hadn't left any bruises on his neck.

Once satisfied, the demon patted his head. "You are fast." She stated bluntly before turning back to the other hashira, who still had their blades drawn.

Kimiona offered them a toothy grin, strutting over in her heavy fur boots. "What did you guys want to work on?"

Boobs Mackenzie jumped up and down, Kimiona was surprised she didn't break her back. "You are so cool! I'll do my best!" The she demon smiled and patted the smaller girl's head, thinking about Nezuko.

A purple haired woman spoke up, "if we'll be fighting to defeat Muzan, I suppose we should work on our teamwork." Kimiona nodded, backing up to the center of the training clearing. They were all a short walk from the butterfly mansion.

The hashira circled the demon, who scratched at her scalp uninterested.

"Try and cut off all my limbs and demobilize me before I can regenerate yeah?" She said. They all nodded, beside one boy who stared off at the ground.

Kimiona cracked her neck, letting instinct take over. The world got redder as she rushed towards the space cadet, snarling. He disappeared behind her, ready to attack.

The demon sliced her arm and flicked the blood to the ground, .

Rengoku and the butterfly lady lunged in from either side. Kimiona put her hand out towards the lady, letting the blade pierce clean through her palm and turning at an angle where the flame hashira would cut her arm off. It severed off, and she put a blood barrier across the poison tipped sword.

"Water wheel!" She heard from above her. A glint of sword flashed above her, and Kimiona was barely able to dodge a crescent shaped arc of water.

She used her regenerated hand and punched boobs Mackenzie, who unsuccessfully tried to wrap the demon's legs up in her sword, in the stomach.

This went on for a while, Kimiona dodging, countering, and throwing the occasional attack. Eventually, the hashira tired out.

"Stop." Lower moon 4 said, and they complied.

The demon slayers were successful in cutting off three of four of her limbs simultaneously. Kimiona smiled at the tired, sweaty humans.

She clapped, "that was very well done you guys! Overall, there was an amazing flow between everyone without using much communication. Highly effective!"

The demon's stomach growled, and everyone deadpanned at her.


"Don't worry, the sun's almost up so I can't exactly eat right now anyway. Let's go inside." She changed the subject and followed the hashira to the mansion. Rengoku stayed behind with her.

"What made you so attached to the siblings?" He asked.

Kimiona hummed, "I was close by when Nezuko became a demon. I saw Tanjiro pick her up and run down the mountain. They made me curious so I followed..." I fell in love. She thought before shaking her head and swallowing harshly.

"There's something more though, yes?" He asked knowingly.

"He'd never feel the same. I am a demon after all." Kimiona responded. Rengoku hummed.

"Probably for the best."

"Yeah... for the best..." She scratched her neck.

The two stepped inside the mansion, and the demon sulked her way to the basement to stay out of the sun.

She spent over a week training with the hashira, learning and respecting their ways while they became stronger.

Tanjiro was also getting stronger, but they both missed each other greatly.


"Caw! Caw! Lower Moon 4, Kimiona needed at Mount Nagatumo for backup! Mount Nagatumo for backup!" The crow disappeared, and the demon in question stood up.

She bid farewell to the hashira, wishing them well.

And within 15 minutes, she had arrived at the mountain. Home to Rui, lower moon 5.

Yooo 100+ reads? Thank you guys!!! - Shayleigh

Dance With Demons (Tanjiro x demon oc)Where stories live. Discover now