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Kimiona decided to walk back to the cabin at a leasurely pace, rather than appearing at the place in an instant. The sun wouldn't come up for another 2 hours.

Her feet crunched on the long winding trail. The lone person passed by farms, with kids up bright and early to do their chores.

Eventually the girl paused, having noticed someone trailing her.

Heavy breaths paused behind her, "excuse me miss!" She turned to see a boy bowing towards her.

He blushed, "you are very beautiful, where are you from."

Kimiona hummed, "I lived in a rural area, west of Tokyo." He nodded eagerly and took another step forward, pulling something out of his kimono sleeve.

"Here, take this gift for your journey. It will ward off bad demons." The boy held out a weaved bracelet, the string was brightly colored. He slid it onto the girl's wrist with a smile.

"Thank you," Kimiona said, nodding in appreciation. She had never been given a gift from a stranger. It made her feel bright, like a star. The boy nodded, and they turned and went their separate ways.

By then, the sun was threatening to breach the horizon, so the demon disappeared to the cabin.

For the rest of the day she was unusually happy, replaying the scene over and over.

Later, Kimiona sat in the corner of the room, watching over Nezuko. She had done that for the last two years, it was a silent ritual she had sworn to.

The girl looked up from her wrist to gaze at the much smaller girl, who was rustling in her sleep. Kimiona scooted forward and clasped the girl's hand in her own. Suddenly, bright pink eyes were revealed.

Nezuko shot up into a sitting position, very confused and on the border of panic. The other demon wrapped her arms around the girl and comforted her.

By the time Nezuko calmed down, she noticed the lacking presence of her brother.

"He's testing to become a demon slayer. Don't worry, he'll be back by afternoon tomorrow." Nezuko nodded and hummed. "You've been asleep for two years, and all of us have been worried about you. A lot has happened." Kimiona recapped some of what happened.

Images of her kissing Tanjiro flashed through her head, but she left that bit out. By the time Kimiona was done talking, Nezuko was sitting on her lap and playing with her hair.

The much larger demon smiled and petted her head. A sudden thought popped in her head. "I can take off your muzzle right now if it's uncomfortable, nobody's here except for Urokodaki." The pink orbed beauty nodded her head in an eager yes.

Kimiona daintily removed the muzzle, letting it sit on her lap. Nezuko immediately opened her mouth like a gaping fish and started sputtering. Her face became a crying mess, causing the older sister figure to frown.

She hugged the smaller girl again. "Hey, hey it's okay. It's going to be okay." Nezuko nodded in the crook of her shoulder.

"Scared." The girl whispered into her shoulder. Kimiona nodded.

"I know. I'll protect you, and so will your brother." Eventually the pink eyed girl calmed down, falling back asleep in Kimiona's arms.

The lower moon set her in her bed on the floor to sleep before stepping out.

Urokodaki was seated on the floor, carving a mask in silence.

"She woke up." He looked up quickly.

"Oh?" Urokodaki sounded relieved, to which the demon nodded a yes.

"She was freaking out, so I put her back to bed."

"Good, the sun will set soon. You should take her on a walk." Kimiona nodded again. "Whats that on your wrist? I havent seen you wear it before."

The tall demon fiddled with the colorful string. "It was a gift from someone today." Urokodaki made a noise of interest before returning to his carving, leaving her by herself.

Forgot to post on Friday, sorry :< -Shayleigh

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