Chapter Twenty-Six

Start from the beginning

My eyebrows furrowed, "It's almost 11 though."

He shrugged, closing his eyes, "Same difference."

I raised an eyebrow, about to tell him there wasn't, when I caught Corey shaking his head. My eyebrows furrowed once more. He mouthed 'No' as he continued shaking his head. Before I could ask what he meant, Tyler placed a plate in front of me. It was full of eggs, bacon, and two surprisingly toasted Eggo waffles. I looked up at him, surprised.

"Lady's first." He winked before going back to the stove.

"Thank you!" I gave him a smile as I spoke a bit too loud. He flashed me a smile before turning away. I subconsciously licked my lips as I picked up my butter knife and fork.

"Hmp, I wonder how he toasted it." I jumped, looking over my shoulder at Max as he grabbed one of the waffles. I watched him take a bite before I realized he was eating my Eggo waffle.

My voice sounded sad as I spoke, "But that was mine.."

"You can have it back." He held the already bitten waffle in front of me.

I cringed at how he had basically crushed it with his fist after taking just a couple bites. I turned back to my plate, "I'm good, thanks."

"Kay." He plopped into the chair beside Brandon before stealing a piece of my bacon.

I glared at his hand but ignored it. When his hand came close to my plate again though, I switched my glare from his hand to his face. He paused, his eyebrows rising. I pointed my fork at him as I continued to glare, "If you steal anymore of my food, you're gonna find this fork pinning your hand to the table."

His hand shot back and he held it against his chest, looking at me with wide eyes.

"Thank you." I smiled as I heard muffled laughter and several snorts. I ate the rest of my food in peace without any more thefts. To say the culinary classes Tyler's taking weren't paying off would be a bold face lie. I made him promise me that when he has his own restaurant that I would be able to taste-test everything and have a forever good discount.


Tyler had a hard time starting his truck, but once it started- after a holler of joy from him -we all got in the vehicles and left for my home sweet home. I rode in Tyler's truck with the man himself and Tony. One of my favorite songs came on- 'Pizzazz' by Akintoye -and I couldn't help but sing along. "Are you okay? Like really? I'm fine. If I'ma be sad, I'ma do it with pizzazz!"

Not missing a beat, both boys joined in, "And shake these feelings off my ass!"

We wore matching grins as we belted out the lyrics, "They'll find me in some glitter if I crash! Do it wit' pizzazz!"

None of us had the voice of an angel, but song after song we got lost in the fun of it. Laughing when one of our voices cracked, hollering when one of us actually sang a line decently, and cheering each other on when one of us decided to do a solo. The three 'T's together again in this ridiculous moment when we let all worries of embarrassment fly out the window and embrace the chaos and simple joy of the moment with wide open arms. Of course, I'm the only one aware of it.

Far too soon we were pulling on to my street. The radio was loud but even that couldn't muffle the sound of the engine starting to sputter and it definitely couldn't hide the smoke starting to wisp out from under the hood.

"Crap." It stalled just short of the front of the Wests' house. He took out the keys and gave me a weak smile, it looked forced, "At least it stalled after we got here, right?"

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