Chapter Two : Late Night Hangout

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I heard my mom pull in and looked at the clock, 12:34 am.

I ran downstairs and opened the door. Stepping out I felt the chilly air swirl around me. A shiver racked my body as I stepped down the porch steps barefoot.

I tapped on my mom's window and watched her jump.

Putting a hand on her chest, she rolled down the window and sighed once she saw it was me, "You scared me! What are you doing out here? You should be in bed."

I shook my head, "Sorry, but we got new neighbors and they invited us to dinner tomorrow night. I told Mary that I would ask you and get back to her tomorrow." I wrapped my hands around my stomach looking at the West's house over my shoulder. The window across from mine still had it's lights on, I wonder if it's still Gabriel's room?

"I guess we can go," She sighed, running her hand through her light brown hair. "just get the time, from..?" She looked at me expectantly.

"West, the West's."

She nodded, "Get the time from them and I'll clear my schedule, just tell her I might be a little late."

I nodded looking over to Victor's house. Someone was sitting on the roof looking at me. I tilted my head in wonder of who it could be. "Okay, I still have things to do at the office so I'll be back tomorrow, okay?" I just started nodding when she began backing out.

I watched her car disappear before I walked across the street.

I stood in Victor's driveway trying to see who's on the roof when a head popped out and said "Looking for me, princess?" He smiled at me.

"I was hoping you were Victor." I crossed my arms looking up at him. That damn nickname.

"That hurts, you know?" He hit the place on his chest above his covered heart. "But if you're looking for him, you're looking at the wrong house, princess." He set his chin on his palm while looking down at me.

I was confused, "Isn't this his house?" Tilting my head I pointed at the house.

He nodded, "Yes, it is indeed," I was even more confused. "but he's in that house." He pointed behind me and I followed his finger to see it pointing at the West's, and that's when it clicked. Yet I was still confused about one thing.

"Why are you on Victor's roof then, Tony?" I spoke still staring at the house before looking back at him for his answer.

"Oh, that?" He laughed. "I'm spending the night, we're all spending the night at Brandon's." He shrugged, but stuck his hand out to me. "I could say I was up here waiting to see you- but that sounds creepy and it's not true -here, grab my hand." I went to grab his hand but hesitated.

"Oh, come on, I won't bite!" I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up, he was strong and I could feel his arms flex as he pulled me up. When he pulled me up, we fell backwards and I landed on top of him. He started smiling weirdly, "Too hard."

My eyes widened and I sat up as quickly as I could. He laughed while sitting up, "I was joking!" He threw his hands up, showing he surrendered. I hit his chest but giggled anyways. "Look." He pointed at the sky, and when I looked up I knew why he was up here. "Pretty isn't it?" I nodded.

Tony started humming something I was unfamiliar with and as he did, I wrapped my arms around my legs and watched him. His voice was soft and could make anyone go to sleep. When he speaks his voice always sounds like he's just waiting to laugh or make a joke, I've missed it.

"What are you guys doing?" My eyes snapped open, I didn't even realize I had closed them. Tony and I looked at each other before looking over the edge at who was talking to us.

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