Chapter Twenty-Six

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We had only played a couple hands of Go-Fish before our eyes began drooping and we were trying not to pass out, so we made the wise decision to call it a night after that. Even after getting close to 10 hours of sleep, we were either yawning, had our eyes closed, were resting our heads against our arms on the kitchen table, or still passed out. I was at the table covering my yawn, Gabriel and Tony were resting their foreheads against their arms on either side of me, Brandon was across from me with his eyes closed resting his cheek in his palm, Corey was yawning beside him as he looked off to the side, and Max and Tony were still passed out in the mess of blankets and pillows in the living room.

The only odd one, was Tyler. I watched him hum a tune as he alternated between cooking eggs and bacon. I squinted at him, "How does anyone have that much energy in the morning?"

Corey glanced over his shoulder before looking at me, "Coffee. He's been addicted since his mom gave him a cup the morning of our fifth-grade exam."

I hummed, noticing Tyler's already happy smile grow.

"My veins run with the caffeine infused liquid." He smiled, handing me and Corey a piece of bacon before continuing with his cooking. He started humming the same tune again. It was as I broke my crispy piece of bacon into four pieces that I recognized it was 'I Will Always Love You'. I watched him for a moment.

That was his mom's favorite song. I can remember her singing it to him and I every time we had a sleepover. I assumed she sang it to him every night since he joined her sometimes.

I heard him mumble some of the lyrics as I poked Brandon's wrist. His eyelashes fluttered briefly before he looked at me, drowsy without a doubt. I held the small piece of bacon out to him with a small smile. I glanced at Corey as I waited for Brandon to take it, he gave me a sheepish smile as he swallowed what was left of his piece. I rolled my eyes. I looked back at Brandon and raised an eyebrow. He shook his head, then closed his eyes again. I shook my head, leaned forward, and squeezed the piece between his lips. He ate it without opening his eyes or acknowledging it in any other way.

With a shake of my head, I nudged Gabriel. He turned his head and peeked an eye open at me. I smiled as I held the small piece of bacon out in front of his lips. He glanced down as he took it between his teeth. His lips brushed my fingers as he moved back. I stared at him as he closed his eye again and took the same position he was in before. He just..

Swallowing and pushing that out of my head for now, I turned to Tony and nudged him. His head was already turned towards me, so he just squinted at me. I tilted my head with a smile, holding his piece of my bacon out for him. He opened his mouth and stared at me.

I swallowed once more and glanced at Corey. He had closed his eyes and was in an almost identical position as his brother beside him. I looked back down at Tony and quickly dropped the bacon on his tongue. He smirked as he closed his eyes, chewing away at the small piece.

My lips pressed together as I looked at him. Last night I had discarded what he said so I wouldn't get consumed in what it meant, but as I look at him, smirking slightly with his blonde hair a mess and a gentle sense of calm coming off him, I can't help but hear his words replay.

"I can't be the only one who finds her attractive!"

"I can't be the only one who finds her attractive!"

My eyes trailed to his cheeks. His cheeks started turning pink after he said that.. With a quiet sigh, I faced forward and set my chin in my palm as the corners of my lips tilted down. Why'd he have to say that?

"What's with the long face?"

"Hmm?" I met Brandon's eyes and shrugged, "Just thinking."

"Mmm," He hummed, "if it's making you frown, then it's probably not worth thinking about first thing in the morning."

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