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When I rool out of my bed, I make everyone breakfast, then dress myself again, take my work papers and then help Lucy and Lucas get ready. When it's done, I take them to kindergarten and head to work. "Hi, bebes. What did you get done?" I ask as I enter the office. "Literally nothing." Susan laughs. "So, you just slept this entry time?" I smile and sit at my desk. "We left the best part to you. You can you know, do the conclusion on this topic and then we can put it in the magazine." she smiles and I nod. "Okay." I smile and start writting. I like my job at "Seventeen". So I finish where the girls left off and send it. After that we take a coffee break which is a break where everyone calls our boyfriends, husbands, lovers and of course we talk about the new gossips. When I see one missed call, I pick up my phone and am a bit surprised when it's Louis. I call him back. "Hey." he says. "Hi." I squeal. "What are you doing in the afternoon?" he asks. I try to calm my nerves, why would he ask me that? "Um, I'll pick Lucy and Lucas from kindergarten and then probably home. Why?" I say. "Just wanted to go to the park with you. You in?" he says and my breathe catches in my throat. Am I dreaming? "Umm, yea, sure." I smile and I can feel my cheeks heating up. "Okay, can I pick you up? I need to get some things done, but, a bit later?" he says. I take a deep breath and smile. "Yea, my shift ends in a few hours. Um, 4 pm?" I ask, heart still beating fast. "Okay, I'll come by." he smiles and ends the phone call. I can feel myself smiling like crazy. I know we would never work out for some reason, but I still hope for it. Stupid, but that's the way it is. When I have got the biggest part of work done, it's already 4 pm. As I go out of the office, I see Louis leaning against his car, a bright smile on his face. One of those when you can't really see his eyes, because he's smiling so big. "Lunch?" he asks, smiling. "That would be really nice." I smile. When we arrive at the cafè, we choose our food and then sit down. "Haven't slept for what feels like days." Louis groans. "Were way too excited for this lunch?" I ask teasing him. "Oh please." he laughs and runs his hand over my head, so my hair is messy. Again. "Would you stop?" I ask trying to look serious. "Okay, okayy." he smiles. After the lunch, we head to the park. "Now you're have asigned the contract of you bringing my drunk ass home if I need a ride." Louis laughs. "Since when?" I ask. "Since you started to talk to me." he responds with that cheeky grin. When, after a few hours it's time to pick Lucy and Lucas from kindergarten he offers me a ride. "Okay. " I smile. When I see Lucy and Lucas playing, I run in and hug them. "Did you got your stuff?" I ask. "Yea." Lucy says and then catches the sight of Louis behind me. "Remember him?" I smile and she nods. Louis picks her up. "Hii, girl." he smiles. I take Lucas and he gives me his car. "You don't want to carry it?" I smile. He nods and we put both of them in the backseat of Louis' car. "Let's go home." I sigh in relief. "As you say." Louis responds. At home, Lucy takes a nap while I do some work and read. At 9 pm I hear my phone calling. "Yea?" I ask. "Pelase come over?" Louis says catching me of guard. What? "O-okay. Are you okay?" I ask. "No." is all he replies before ending the call.

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