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Tory was at her 6 week scan with Robby
"There it is! Your little baby." The nurse told them
Robby looked at the screen longingly
"Wow, It's so tiny. I can barely see it." He said with amazement

"Haha, its very common not to be able to see the baby too clearly at this stage. Hopefully you'll be able to see it a little bit better next time."

"Is the baby okay?" Tory asked with concern
"Don't worry, the baby is totally healthy." The nurse confirmed. Robby clasped his hand with Tory's and smiled
"I'll give you two a moment alone."
They watched the nurse walk away

"You know, when I saw those two lines on that test, I thought my life was over, but I was wrong. I just wish it was better timing that's all, it's not gonna be the easiest fighting in the Seikai Taikai pregnant!"

Robby paused for a moment
"Well, you're not gonna be competing in the Seikai Taikai anymore, right?"
"Of course I am! I'm only 6 weeks along, I haven't even got much of a bump yet."

Robby shook his head
"Tory, you're pregnant."
"Oh gosh, I didn't realize." Tory said sarcastically
"There is no way I'm gonna let you fight in that tournament. Don't tell me that you really think being 7 weeks pregnant and flying across the country to Japan, putting both you and our unborn baby at risk of injury, is a good idea?"

"Robby, we aren't financially capable of raising a child right now. If the two of us are in the competition, we have a better chance of winning the prize money! Which will give our child a better life." Tory justified

"No. You're not fighting in the tournament and that's that." Robby said firmly
"Oh yeah? And this how it's gonna be is it? You deciding what I can and can't do?" Tory spat at him
"Don't play that game Tory. I'm just trying to look out fo-"

"Yeah? Well I can look out for myself thank you."
Tory saw the sadness on Robby's face, she felt bad for snapping at him.

"Look, I'm sorry. Maybe I'm being too overprotective, I don't know. All I know is that this is not a good idea Tory, but you're right, I can't tell you what to do. It's up to you."

"I'm sorry too. It's just.. we've been training for month's and months for the Seikai Taikai, and I just hate to think that all of that hard work was just wasted time. Nobody else even knows I'm pregnant yet! How would they react to me pulling out last minute!"
Tory questioned

"We'll deal with that as it comes, what happened, happened Tory, you are pregnant with our baby. Our number one priority now is protecting our baby, we're gonna be parents Tory, and that means we'll need to make sacrifices, difficult ones."

Tory sighed
"Okay then Keene, you've won me over this time. But you're the one who's gonna tell Miyagi-Fang!"
She joked

Robby gripped her hand tighter
"We'll tell them together."

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