The Night Before

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Tory and Robby were laying in bed, both of them were too full of adrenaline to sleep. Tommorow was the big day that they had been preparing for, they were going to compete in the Sekai Taikai.

Robby noticed that Tory was still awake, he figured that there was possibly a few reasons for that. The most obvious one being the stress of the upcoming day.

"Hey." he whispered
Tory turned over to face him
"Still awake huh?"

Tory nodded
"I guess so, I'm a nervous wreck."
Robby sighed
"I know, I am too. I mean, we're in a foreign country, miles away from home, to compete in the biggest Karate tournament to exist. You're bound to be nervous!" Robby stated

"I'm really worried about my mom, I mean, do you think she'll be okay? I mean, I know she's in good hands bu-"
"Tory, I promise you, she'll be alright. She wanted you to go. You're doing this for her and Brandon, If you win, or I win, we can give them a better life."
Tory looked up at the ceiling

"What if I don't win though? What if all of these months I've spent training don't pay off, what it has all been for nothing? I don't know if I can take that.." Tory began to analyze

"Hey, hey. Don't think like that, you have as good of a chance as anybody. You're the most badass girl I know."
Robby said cheerfully
"Thank you. You don't seem very worried? What's got into you?" Tory questioned

"Oh trust me, I am. But, you know Tory, I have more important things to worry about than a silly tournament."
Robby stroked Tory's cheek
"You." Robby answered

"Me? Why?" She asked curiously
"It's a boyfriend thing."
Tory rolled her eyes playfully and turned away

"I'm so proud of you, and I know that you'll make me proud tommorow aswell, despite what happens."

"That's a lot of pressure." Tory said shakily
Robby pulled Tory into his arms
"I know it is. But regardless of the outcome, I love you, and that's all that will ever matter in the end. That means more than what a shiny trophy could ever mean."

Tory lifted her head up
"You what?" She asked with confusion
"I love you Tory. I really do. I always have and I always will, I don't want to spend my life with anyone other than you. It's always been you Tory, ever since the day I first met you. I'm in love with you, Tor."

Tory slightly chuckled
"That's some corny ass shit Keene." Tory sneered
Robby opened his mouth ready to say something, but Tory quickly cut him off
"But I love it." She added
"Could we maybe expand on that sentence?" Robby argued

"Hmm, I don't think I want to."
Tory said in a cocky manner
Robby smiled, he then layed, back down, and to his surprise, Tory had then climbed on top of him

"I love you too." Tory confirmed
She then leant down and kissed him.

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