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Robby took off his shirt, he then slid under the covers next to Tory, pulling her in closer by the waist
"Mhm" Tory mumbled
Robby then looked down at Tory, he then kissed her, he slightly adjusted his position, he climbed on top of Tory, very slowly, then they carried on kissing
"AHHHH! GET OFF MY SISTER!" Brandon screamed
"OH MY-" Robby shouted
Tory then put her head in her hands with embarrassment, Brandon was now 13, so he knew what was going on
"NO NO, WE WEREN'T, WE WERE ONLY KISSING, PLEASE JUST FORGET WHAT YOU SAW-" Tory quickly interrupted, Robby climbed off Tory and looked at her little brother, who was clearly disgusted
"Sorry little guy..." Robby said to his girlfriends little brother
"I'm 13, you are only sorry you got caught"
"That's enough with the attitude Brandon" Tory told her little brother
"Whatever, just don't be doing that again, atleast not when I'm in the house" Brandon said while storming out of his big sisters room, slamming the door behind him
"Sorry about that Robz, he's in his 'bratty teenage' phase"
"He's just at that age, we've all went through it" Tory nodded, she then snuggled back into Robby's chest
"So, how was your day with Sam and Devon?" Robby asked his girlfriend, Tory yawned
"Yeah, it was fun, how was your day with Kenny and Miguel?"
"Yeah, I enjoyed it, we went to the gym and then got a cup of coffee"
Tory smiled
"You and Miguel are like brothers to Kenny" Tory joked
"And you and Sam are like sisters to Devon!"
"Yeah, I'm glad me and Sam are able to be friends, considering our past was so..."
"Yeah, I know, but it was Cobra Kai that was the routes of all of those problems and rivalries"
"I'm glad that those days are behind me" Tory admitted
"Those days will never really be behind us though, I mean, Mr LaRusso probably thought he'd never see a Cobra Kai dojo again after the 80's" Robby told Tory
"I still miss him though..."
"Miss who?" Robby questioned
"Kreese, I mean, he might've been a very flawed man, but he helped me out a lot, he sorted out my landlord, and he always protected me no matter what, me and him were plotting against Silver, but he told me I needed to take care of myself instead of trying to help him, he was like a grandpa to me, I just wish I knew what happened to him, he just ran away and dissappeared without a trace"
Robby sighed
"Our past is behind us now Tor, we will never know what happened to Kreese"
"I just wish he knew how thankful I am for everything he done for me" Robby understood what Tory meant, he kissed her head and stroked her hair, Robby decided to change the subject
"I'm so lucky to have you" Robby said proudly, Tory's cheeks got red with embarrassment, she gently punched Robby's arm and laugh
"Oh Keene, you don't have me, I have you" Tory laughed
"I love you so much" Robby confessed
"I love you to Robz"

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