Confrontation (P1)

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Tory had told Robby everything about what had happened to her during her time at Cobra Kai, Tory decided it was time to tell Robby what really happened, as he kept asking questions about her hand

Once they had both finished the conversation, Tory noticed that Robby was a little 'off' she noticed that he wasn't really paying attention to his surroundings, and she knew that meant only one thing

"Robby, promise me you won't do anything stupid"

"What do you mean?" Robby asked her

"Promise me that you will just leave this be, I don't want you to try and confront that woman, trust me that'll just make things worse"

Robby hesitantly nodded
"Yeah, of course..."
Tory then kissed Robby
"Listen, I need to go, I'll see you around yeah?"
Tory told Robby as she then headed for the door

"Tory" Robby called after her
Tory turned around
"You're safe now, I promise"
Tory smiled at Robby, she then left Johnny's apartment in a relatively good mood

Robby put his head in his hands, he couldn't stand the fact that Sensei Kim Da Eun was still teaching kids Karate, Robby usually had quite a rational way of thinking, but when it came to Tory, his logic practically went out of the window

This led Robby into doing something that didn't normally come natural to him, he decided to confront Kim at the Cobra Kai dojo, it wasn't the first time he had done this, but he knew it was certainly going to be the last

Robby drove his dad's car to the dojo, he parked outside of the building

Robby exhaled as he looked at the Cobra Kai logo, it was a Saturday, so training wasn't on, he knew that he wasn't thinking straight, but he also knew that he wouldn't be able to live with himself if he didn't do anything about this

Robby walked into the dojo
Robby got no answer, he looked around the room, he then saw a poster of all of the Sensei's and their names, the only name he recognized was
"Kim Da Eun"
Robby grinded his teeth when he even thought of what that woman did to Tory

Robby soon decided to leave, there was clearly nobody in the dojo for him to fight with

"Leaving so early?"
A voice echoed

Robby turned around, this was it, he came face to face with the woman who had traumatized his girlfriend for months on end, she sent Tory to hell and back

Kim gasped as she saw Robby, she recognized him straight away, she remembered seeing him at the Seikai Taikai qualifiers, and from when he confronted Silver at the dojo

"Well well well! Did Nichols need her boyfriend to come and fight her battles?"
"Leave her out of this"

"I'm guessing she is the reason you are standing here right now though"

"You know exactly what you've done"
Robby barked
"I do, and I'm very proud of myself" Kim gloated

"I don't think traumatizing a teenage girl is something to be proud of"

"That's a matter of opinion"
Kim then took a sip of her wine, Kim's lack of empathy was really annoying Robby
"Is this where it happened? Is this where you and that warped warped man forced Tory to break through stone?" Robby asked, his voice got even louder with each word he said

"I believe it is Keene!"
"How do you know my name?"
"I know a lot more than your name Mr Keene, my main source of information has been from your Ex Sensei"

Robby smirked
"Should've known that he had been broadcasting my business to his partner in crime" Robby joked, but he kept a serious face

"Not only Silver, but Mr Payne aswell"
Robby's eyes shot open as Kim said that sentence
"You're just trying to play with my mind"

Kim shrugged
"If that's what you wanna believe, believe it"

"Anyways, how's Nichols doing? Is her little injury doing any better?"
"No thanks to you it's not"

"I could say the same thing about you"
Robby shook his head in confusion
"What do you mean?"

"I watched her fall to the ground in pain, I saw the fear in her eyes when she punched through the stone dummy, I mean, even after I left the building I could still hear her screaming your name"
Robby stood still in silence

"And where were you Mr Keene? Oh wait, you were probably in bed with that LaRusso girl"

"Y-You don't know what you are talking about"

"Do I not? Silver told me about how you and LaRusso used to date, I saw the way you looked at her when she defeated Miss Lee during the match, I saw the way you flung your arms around her when she won, you weren't even thinking about Nichols were you?"
Robby's fists tightened

"Why are you even here? Did you really think that you would stand a chance against me?" Kim asked Robby

"Manipulative, that's what you are, you're trying to get inside of my head, the same way you got inside Tory's"

"I didn't need to even try to get inside of your naive little girlfriends head, it was as if she opened the door for me, just simply allowing me to make myself at home"
Kim could see the anger in Robby's face

"You don't even regret it do you? You're just that OBLIVIOUS to the trouble you've caused, my girlfriend would wake up screaming from the nightmares you gave her, but here you are, living your best life"

"Yeah, I guess I am"

"How do you sleep at night? Knowing that you are ruining innocent kids lives?"
Robby asked sternly

"Innocent? Is that what you see in Nichols? Innocence? I'm not sure that's the word I'd use to describe her"
Kim stated

"Not just her, everybody in the Valley is suffering from this dojo, Silver is locked up, and Kreese is on the run, Cobra Kai is over, but you are carrying on this evil evil legacy"

"That's not the way you used to think of this dojo is it? You used to be apart of Cobra Kai, all for the sake of getting back at Daniel LaRusso"

Robby looked at Kim, his eyes told a million words, he had to bite his lip to prevent him saying something that he would regret
"You know nothing about that situation"
"I know enough"

Kim held out a bottle of wine
"Would you like a glass? It might settle your nerves, your looking a little bi-'
"Cut the crap, we both know the real reason I'm here"

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