X-Ray (P1)

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Robby and Tory sat in the hospital waiting room, Tory's hand had been causing her a lot of pain over the past few weeks, which led to Robby making an appointment with a doctor so that she could get an X-ray

"Robby, I've already told you! I'm fine"
"No, No you're not fine Tor, listen, it's just an X-ray, you'll be okay, I promise"
Tory rolled her eyes at her boyfriend

"Tory Nichols, your doctor is ready to see you"
Both Robby and Tory stood up, they followed the young nurse who took them into the doctors room
"Hi there, nice to meet you"
The female doctor greeted the teen couple

"Hi..." Tory replied
She then sat on the bed
Robby looked at a worried Tory, he felt bad for pressuring her into going to a doctor, but he knew that she needed to get her hand checked out

"So, it says here that you have badly injured your hand, correct?"
"Yes" Tory told the doctor

"How did this injury occur?"

"Something is holding you back"
"I-I can't do it"
"It's the boy isn't it?"
"You act strong, but inside you're soft"
"That's not true..."
"Your feeling have made you weak"

"Uh, Miss Nichols?"
"Oh um, sorry, I do Karate, it was just a uh, training accident"
"Training accident? What kind of training accident?" The doctor asked

The doctor felt slightly startled
Robby looked at Tory, at this point, he knew his suspicions were right, it wasn't just a 'training accident' it was a lot more than that

"I'm sorry okay? I'm just a little stressed out right now" Tory said apologetically
"No worries, I'll take you to the X-ray room okay?"
Tory nodded, she looked at Robby, and she just knew something was wrong with him, she could tell by the look on his face

Tory and Robby awaited for her X-ray results, they both stayed silent for a moment, until Robby said
"Why did you get so angry when she asked what happened to your hand?"
"I was just a bit stressed, that's all"
"No, it was something more than that, I don't believe that it was a 'training accident' Tor, I think it was Silver who did that to you"

Tory stayed quiet, she opened her mouth, but words didn't come out, she looked at Robby, who could see right through her lies
"Tell me right now"
"Robby I-"

"Sorry I took so long! We have your results!"
"Okay... is her hand okay?" Robby asked concerned
"Well, to keep it short and sweet, no, she has fractured her knuckles, and her fingers, but they aren't fully broken, so that's good"

Tory sighed
"Can you prescribe me any pain relief?" Tory asked
"Could you answer a few questions first?"
Tory nodded
"Yeah, I guess..."

"Are you sexually active?"
"Uh, what does that have to do with anything?" Robby asked the doctor
"I'll rephrase myself, Tory, are you on any form of birth control pill?"
Tory looked at Robby

"Yes" Tory told the doctor
"I'm sorry, we won't be able to give you any strong medication to relieve the pain, it's not recommended to mix BC with pain killers"
Tory exhaled
"Am I good to go?" Tory asked
"Actually I have a few mo-"
Tory stood up and left the medical room
Robby gave the doctor a polite smile and then followed behind his girlfriend

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