"Be Ready for Anything."

Start from the beginning

"That was quite the speech you gave us there, Eren," Armin admits, "Even mentioning Tessa's words too." He adds, and Eren chuckles, "Yeah, well, most of that speech was yours because you used to say it back in the day." Eren confesses. Tessa smiles as more memories replay in her head of what Armin used to say when the trio was still kids. At first, Tessa thought she was talking to a younger Erwin because Armin reminded her of him. Tessa watches Armin look away, wondering if something is bothering him, until she sees the determination in his blue eyes, "Yeah? Well, I'm joining the Scout Regiment too!" He declares, which is what Tessa has been waiting to hear from him. She knew they had plans to join, but Eren was the only one to say it. Tessa remembers how timid Armin was last year and wondered if he would be ready for this, but she thinks tonight has changed his mind. The only one left to say they're joining the Scouts is Mikasa.

As Tessa slowly steps from the shadows, she hears Eren argue with Armin, "Oh, come on, you are just being stupid now, Armin," He argues, "You're not a fighter because your life is about books." He defends, but Armin shakes his head, "And I'm through with letting people fight for me when it's my turn to do it. Besides, like Tessa and you said: Being a Scout is the hope for the people, and I've busted my ass to get to this point." Armin admits while looking at his feet, which silences Eren because he knows Armin is right. Before Tessa steps into the light, she hears Mikasa's voice, "Well, I guess it's the Scouts for me too." She confesses, which causes Tessa, Eren, and Armin to look at her, "Oh, come on! You beat Tessa's score in being at the top of the class. You would be wasting your shot!" Eren snaps, but Mikasa doesn't flinch, "Understand this, Eren. Where you go, I go because before your mom died, I promised her that you wouldn't die either," She admits, then looks at him, "I'm going to be by your side, so you have to deal with it because I'm not afraid to raise some hell if you get hurt." She says, and Tessa smiles because this trio has remembered every word she has told them.

Tessa smiles while finally stepping out of the shadows as the trio looks at the midnight sky. Tessa crosses her arms as she leans against the lamppost, as they are still unaware she is there, "Well, it's about damn time for you three to say you're joining the Scouts," She says, and the trio gasps when they turn around, "Sorry to interrupt the stargazing. I just wanted to see my favorite trio." She teases as they quickly jump from their spots to hug her, "Tessa!" Armin shouts as he tackles her first, Eren following, then Mikasa. Tessa groans while trying to balance, "Damn, even after a year, you three have gotten stronger, which is good since we need more strength in the Scouts." She jokes while letting them go, and Eren laughs, "Well, you and Captain Levi have been carrying the Regiment long enough. It's time for us to take over." He teases, and Tessa scoffs before thumping his head, "Remember that I told you to bust your ass to get where Levi and I are now, knucklehead," She grins as she watches Eren rub the sore spot, "Besides, you'll have to fight us to get those spots." She adds, and Eren raises his fists, "I'm ready for anything." He reassures her, and Tessa rolls her eyes, "Still the loudmouth knucklehead I remember meeting." She admits, which makes Mikasa and Armin laugh.

While the four continue laughing, Kip leans against Mikasa's leg, waiting for pets, "Hey, Kip." Mikasa whispers as she begins petting Kip's head. Armin clears his throat, "Uhm, Tessa?" He whispers, and Tessa looks at him, "Where is Captain Levi? He isn't going to step out of the shadows and scare us because of what Eren said, right?" He asks, and Tessa covers her mouth as a giggle escapes her but shakes her head, "No, he's back at base doing paperwork before tomorrow," She explains, and Eren raises a brow, "Tomorrow? What's going on tomorrow?" He asks, and Tessa sighs while placing her hands on her hips, "The Scouts have another expedition, so we are leaving in the morning," She explains and meets the trio's concerned gaze, "Guys, I'll be fine. I'm a Captain and Humanity's Graceful." She reassures them, and the trio nods, "We know, Tessa, it just reminds us like last time we saw you off." Mikasa admits as Tessa pats her arm, "Trust me, I know," She agrees and sighs, "I'm proud of you three." She smiles while pulling them into another hug. The trio embraced Tessa like it was the last time they would see her, which she didn't mind because she needed it more than anything.

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