It Can't Be

382 9 2

One Hour Ago

Levi's POV:

After registration, we went to the men's barracks and met Flagon, our Squad Commander. I ignored the sound of Isabel's cheering as I looked around the room to see it covered in dust. I figured it was typical military hazing for them to act like this or be complete jackasses. While Isabel continued to cheer, I suppose it was because she thought she would be rooming with us, and I was right because Flagon corrected her since she had to stay in the women's barracks on the other side. Everyone began to argue in the background, yet I ignored it as I walked to the beds, checking for more pranks, if not more dirt. Hoping to find the answer, I run my hand under the frame only to pull it back to see dirt covering my once-clean hand. I click my tongue as I try to dismiss it until Flagon makes a snide comment, "I suppose this will be hard for you since you've spent your whole lives living in dirt and trash heap, but keep this place clean, alright?" Flagon remarked, which made me clench my jaw so tight that it popped.

When I hear Flagon's snide comment, I slowly turn around, "What?" I growl and charge at Flagon, "What did you just say?" I ask when Flagon and I get face-to-face, only for him to stand up straighter, "Hey, you better watch it, you little punk! I am your superior here!" Flagon snapped, but I didn't flinch. My storm-colored eyes burn brighter with rage because I know what Flagon is trying to do, but I'm not falling for it. 'Arrogant bastard!' I thought as I felt my blood boil and clenched my fists together. I am ready to punch Flagon's face until Furlan pushes me aside, which makes me raise a brow as I try to figure out what Furlan is doing, and then I see his salute to Flagon. 'What the hell is Furlan doing? Why is he saluting that asshole?' I questioned myself before I looked at Isabel, who shared the same questioning look. Furlan loudly clears his throat, which causes us to look at him, "We promise to keep this place clean, Mr. Squad Leader, sir," He says before looking at me, "Won't we?" He asks, but I don't respond. Flagon rolls his eyes at Furlan's terrible salute, but he agrees, "Good. When you finish unpacking, go to the training yard," He orders on the way to the door but stops, "Oh, by the way, gentlemen, don't get too close to the Doctor here when she does your physicals tomorrow. She's already with someone." Flagon smirks and then leaves.

After Flagon leaves, I click my tongue while shaking my head, "Tch, what a pain in the ass." I muttered before I turned back to the filthy bed. While I ripped the sheets off the bed, I ignored the concerned looks from Isabel and Furlan as I continued tearing the old sheets off. I knew this plan of Furlan's will have to make me bite back my temper more than in the Underground. It's when I realize one of the lessons from Kenny to help me with this. 'Patience is key to the perfect mark.' I remembered from my upbringing, which made me pause, possibly to calm myself. As I continue to recollect myself, the sweet smell of strawberries and vanilla becomes a more pleasant aroma than those dirty sheets. When we got our uniforms, I tied Tessa's handkerchief, which I had sewn into a piece of my mother's old dress and made into a cravat. I hid the embroidered T to remind myself that I was doing this for Tessa's safety and life on the surface. My hand slowly pinches an end piece as I try to remain strong for two of the most meaningful people in my life.

I snap out of my thoughts when I hear Isabel climbing to the top bunk, which pulls me back into cleaning the bottom one, all while Furlan walks over to us, "Levi, what did I say about maintaining your cool? Didn't I tell you not to cause any trouble?" Furlan asks before crossing his arms because he notices me ignoring him, "Levi, are you listening to me?" He asks, but I don't say anything. While I don't answer Furlan, Isabel leans over the top railing, "Knock it off, Furlan! Leave Levi alone!" She shouts, "He has enough on his mind right now." She defends, and Furlan rolls his eyes, "Hey, keep it down. Idiots should be seen, not heard." Furlan responds, and Isabel gasps, "HEY! Who are you calling an idiot?" Isabel asked with a raised voice. I ignore the two arguing as I successfully remove the top bunk's sheet while Isabel is still on it. I hear Furlan ask Isabel a math problem while I make a pile of dirty sheets before looking for the broom and mop. 

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