Chapter 24

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Battle Eggman Part 2


🌹~ Chapter Twenty-Four ~💙

They are going to Eggman Lair. So Amy is to rescue her friends and Sonic is rescued by Sally. Eggman and his robots attack the blue hedgehog and Pink Hedgehog.

Seven Chaos emerald lighting turns into Supersonic Super Transformation.

Amy smiled nodded and came down to the ground. He flies away toward Eggman for a battle.

"Let's do this Eggman."

"So you finally decided to super transform," Eggman said to Sonic and replied as smirked.

"Jealous much?"

"Jealous? Ha! Don't make me laugh. Take this!" Eggman blast lighting but Sonic stops blasting the lift of its robot's right arm. Eggman was shocked.


"Is that all you got? Face it Eggman you'll lose. Now how about you stay out of my way so I and Amy can go back with others?"

Then Eggman chuckled "Perfect." He aims at Pink Hedgehog and replies. "giving up so soon? I think it's time to give a little action to your girlfriend."

"Fool, Sally's escaped," Sonic said then Eggman chuckled and replied. "No, I'm talking about HER!"

Eggman put a fire missile on Amy.

He turns around and shouted.


"You can't stop me!"

"NNNOOO, AAAMMYY!" Super Sonic speeds toward Amy. She turns around her head.


He pushed her out of the way or he saved her. Amy falls to the ground.

"Sonic... what was that-"

That's what Amy saw and she stood up and rushed toward him was lying down but he was not waking him up.


She knees down and hugged looks at him and she rms touched his head.

"You see? This is why Sonic should never count on you because you end up causing him pain!" Eggman smiled and told her but she didn't listen to what he said.

Amy is loving and cares for Blue Hedgehog looking down on him.

He opened his eyes and looked at Amy crying and smiled.

"A-Amy... Are you okay?"

"You big dummy, I'm the one who should be asking that!"

"I'm fine Ames... Don't worry about it." Sonic replied that the voice is the weak cause of his pain.

"Why did you do that? You almost got-" Amy said looking him down. Sonic cut her off. "Shh... Let me speak."

Finally, Sonic The Hedgehog turns into a smile and speaks his confession to loving Amy Rose.

"I can't bare to lose you in my life... I should have realized how important you are to me in the first place."

"You're beautiful... Smart and kind..."

"You're there for everyone when they need you..."

"You make the best chili dogs that too..."

"You're smiled... It always brightens my day and you will be your husband... He will be the luckiest guy ever..."

"I can't be your husband."

"Don't worry, I know that you-" Amy said but Sonic first said. "Because you're gonna have to live without me."


Sonic his last final words confession. 

"I just want these words... To be my last words... That I always wanted to say to you."

"Amy Rose I..."


Sonic closed his eyes then Amy cried bow down his forehead.


Eggman laughed it means his victory...

"MUAHAHA!!! Finally, I won!"

"Sonikku, why didn't I realize... That you were always there for me.

Amy said to him. She remembers memories of fun times and her love for Sonic the Hedgehog running and chasing each other. 

"You Stupid Pinky Girl, if you didn't get his way! He would've lived." Eggman told Amy crushing her hands.

Her eyes make fire or blame. She stands up and carries a big hammer.


He turns around at Amy.


Eggman is pretty scared of her big hammer. "Woah, easy with your big hammer."

"YOU'RE GONNA REGRET THIS FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!" Amy charges with her hammer smashed into robot parts.

She was shocked Eggman brought a Sonic. But Amy can't fight with him.

"Come closer and I will crush him."

"DROP HIM RIGHT NOW!" Amy orders him and replies. "Or what? You wouldn't dare to try to hurt me with Sonic as my shield."

Amy won't refuse to let Sonic hurt.

"Unless?" Eggman suggests to her.

"Unless, What?" She was confused then he smiled now to do. "Let's make a deal, My deal is you better come with me and that one chaos emerald. If you don't I will make a crash blue rat. "

"No, I can't hurt him. But I don't have a choice I will risk his life. For my Sonic." Amy said to herself to think of answers. "Okay, I go with you but first put Sonic down for his life."

Robot's right-hand put Sonic down on the ground. She turns around. "But may I speak words saying goodbye to Sonic."

"Argh, give me 10 minutes," Eggman said annoyed then Amy run toward them and looked at his face.

"Sonikku, I'm sorry."

He opens his eyes a little bit to her.


"I'm sorry but I don't have a choice. I hope you and Sally make both happy. We could stay along as friends."


He closes his eyes then Amy walks toward her friends. Soon what happened next?

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