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╰┈➤ ❝ Picnic ❞

Monday, 19th December 2022

Yunseo's POV

It's already starting to get colder here. I mean it's December what do I expect?

Don't worry, we did not skip school for this date. After classes, Jay dragged me to his car. "Jay what're you rushing for?" "We're going on a picnic!" "What when why how-" "Right now, and just because." "But it's winter?" "So what? We can still have fun y'know."

We drove to the picnic area and surprisingly, it was not crowded at all. Maybe cuz it's a freaking work day. I realised we were still wearing our school uniforms. "Wait, I didn't bring extra clothes-" He cut me off by showing off a shopping bag. 

"No I definitely did not buy these clothes." "Jay-" "I'm joking, the women's bathroom is there. Go get changed quickly." I went to the bathroom while checking what Jay brought for me. Thank god it's just my own clothes. This man never hesitates to spend money at all, I guess rich people be like?

 This man never hesitates to spend money at all, I guess rich people be like?

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We sat down while blinking at each other. "So... why a picnic?" "Well, um..." "Yes?" "I have something to tell you." Oh no. I don't think this'll go well according to the many romance stories I know. Please don't break up with me. I can't live without him.

"I'm leaving." "Huh? Why? Where? When?" "I'm going to the US tomorrow morning. My dad told me that I have something to do there. But um don't worry. I promise to come back before Christmas." The worried look on my faded. Thank god. I hugged him tightly. "Y-Yunseo?" "I-I thought you were gonna break up with me..." "Omg love, I would never. Not even until the day I die."

"Okay now let's eat!" He kissed me before getting the food out. We had such a fun time eating, talking, and playing around. I'll really miss him. I'll miss him even if he's only leaving for 5 days. 5 days of not seeing him sounds like torture. Not hugging him or feeling his presence is torture. I kept randomly hugging him during the entire date. I think he's noticed by now.

I made him a flower crown because 1. He looked cute wearing it. 2. I'll miss him so I made a small memory thingy 3. Just because.

He dropped me off at my front door. "Well, I'll see you in 5 days, love. Don't worry, I'll make sure to video call you 24/5." I chuckled before hugging him again. "You're hugging me way too much, are you okay?" "Yes, it's just that... I'll miss you a lot-" "As I said that, he hugged me back really tightly.

"I'll miss you even more." I tiptoed to his face level before attaching my lips with his. "Bye, love." "Goodbye, love! Don't forget to call me!" He left. But-

*ringtone* "Hello?" "I miss you already." "Jay it's been two minutes-" "I don't care, turn on your camera." *sigh* I love him so much. 

IM SO SINGLE *crying*


okay so this guy in my van told me that one of his friends thought i was cute and likes me. the thing is I DONT KNOW WHY like bro is that guy blind or just plain stupid.

i bet the moment i take off my mask he gonna flee to whatever county he is from (im sure he isnt malaysian-) well the hints i got was : kinda blond hair (very very very rare in malaysia so i think he's arab) , light brown eyes again (again quite rare) , blue team and lastly grade 8 (my grade) 

the problem is, in grade 6 i was in an arab class that means i know (as in I know them but never talk to them) some of his classmates rn. but the thing is, i dont think he was in my cass back in grade 6. whatever, whoever that guy is, he definitely got some bad taste.

fyi i am a short ass potato*

thank you for reading, vote and comment as much as you like, love you guyss <3

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