Chapter 3

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Upon opening the door we entered our beloved "Chimpanzee Hub", aka "Chipmunk Clubhouse", aka " Our Dorm Room".

Krystal had already settled her stuff as she had already arrived two days ago with Noah as their parents' homes are next to each other, and Paxton is here in Florida since five days.

My eyes then landed on a made up bed which was apparently mine surprisingly, "You did it? As in 'the Krystal Marshall' I know would never make her own bed, made 'my bed!' ", I asked awestruck by her work.

"No! The Ghosts of our room did! Of course I did", she remarked with sarcasm dripping in the whole tone, words and body language.

Then I pushed in my luggage into our nominal sized dorm, which is pretty much enough for two people to live comfortably, we had already customized it according to our needs last summer aka when we were allotted here aka when we joined Littlewood Academy, we decided to not to overdo and keep it minimalistic and it's still the same but a little messier.

I quickly started unpacking and organizing, to which Krystal helped or I should say sat with her phone and entertained me in her intervals from using her dear mobile.

An hour went by full of chuckles and thuds of objects falling and now I was starting to feel empty on the inside or in simple words hungry. When suddenly we heard a knock on the door, "Who's it", I enquired from the inside and Krystal straightened up a little bit.

"It's us", answered a familiar voice, "me and now a hand working surprise", came again Paxton's loud voice.

We laughed and I replied, "Meet us in the cafeteria, be there in five".

Then all we heard was disappearing footsteps.


"Noah! Watch out!! There's a big bug on the same latitude and longitude as you", teased Krystal when we were almost done laughing about how Noah almost spilled Noah's smoothie bowl due to a bug bugging near him. Well I am glad cafeteria's serving smoothie bowls today. I am full.

"What next", proclaimed Krystal after we all finished eating.

"Let's go the arcade, I heard it has just opened up this vacation on the second floor", suggested Paxton, we agreed.

I entered the arcade and oh my God, like actually Oh My God! it's so huge, like big, I mean, I am just blown away into some other dimension it was full of games ready to be attacked with my no good gaming skills.

"This is insanely huge", I shouted and all the heads turned over to our small group blocking the doorway and this is absolutely embarassing and I absolutely didn't wanted it to come out that way, I mean is hard to control my loudspeaker voice. We were about to leave when we heard loads of laughter and I felt a sudden urge to mouth "Shut up" but looks like this time my loudspeaker of a voice does not wish to become even audible enough to be heard by my chipmunks who were standing with me, also being embarassed along with me. When someone decided to approach us....a totally unexpected face.


~Author's Note~

Hey dear readers! What do you think of Violet and the Chipmunk Squad? What do you think of their funny teasing and them calling each other chimpanzees??


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