Chapter 29

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Hey, guys! Sorry there was no update on Monday. It was because is was Memorial Day here in the states, so that gave AnimeDisnkeyGeek an extra day to write the next part. But since she didn't, I am gladly giving you one today! I hope you enjoy this part! Happy reading!


How could he do this? No, I shouldn't even be asking that question. After all, it is Hans Westergard I am talking about. He's capable enough to even steal a child's toy and rip and shred it in front of them without batting an eye. But destroying Jack's work? Even I'm surprised as to how low and vile he could go.

Two weeks had passed since that incident and I was still fuming. I was in the courtyard with my tray of food beside me (I couldn't bring myself to eat anything besides the carrots and the milk. I suppose Merida could have my lunch for today). I spotted Anna and Merida and waved to them. They came over as like everyday, taking their seats beside me.

"How's Jack?" Anna asked, her expression so full of worry and guilt.

What makes me want to freeze Hans even more is the fact that Anna feels as if this was all of her fault and that Jack's misery was her own doing. After Anna had come back with her day with Kristoff, Jack had proceeded to tell us the whole story of what went down at the stables. When he got to the part of them talking about Anna and how Hans was still sour about the whole thing, my sister had flown into a fit of rage and indignation. It took all of us to calm her down.

After pacifying Anna's anger, Jack had finished his account, with the (un)happy ending, putting the moldy cherry on top of the melting milkshake. When we were heading back to our dorm, Anna seemed unusually quiet. She seemed to be sad, maybe, should I dare to say, depressed.

"Do you think..." she started as I unlocked our door, with Merida and Rapunzel right behind us, "do you think that this is somehow my fault?"

I tensed, opening the door slowly now. "Your fault for what, Anna?" I asked carefully.

"About Jack's painting and it getting destroyed."

My suspicions confirmed, I turned to her and said in a firm voice, "Of course not, Anna. None of this is any of our fault. The only one here to blame is Hans, so don't beat yourself up for something you didn't do, all right?"

Anna nodded, small tears gathering in the corner of her eyes. I knew that my words had had little to no effect on her. "Okay," she said softly, going inside to get changed.


I jerked out of my thoughts, looking at Anna in surprise. She was looking at me with equal worry. "You okay?" she asked. "You kind of zoned out a little there."

"Yes, it's just that..." I sighed. "Jack." I said simply.

"Is he okay?" Anna asked her first question again.

"I was able to persuade him to hold off on telling Ms. Merriweather about dropping out of the art show," I said, "but Anna, Jack is very serious about dropping out and would have done so by now if I hadn't convinced him."

"This whole thing wouldn't be happening if it wasn't for Hans," Merida growled, stabbing her teriyaki with great force. I guess Merida felt the same way as me. "That dumb, cocky, self-entitled little-"

"Merida," I said, placing a hand on her arm that was attacking her food with each word. She looked at me and smiled sheepishly.

"Speaking of him," Anna said, her eyes darkening. "Have you gone to Principal North and told him about the whole thing?"

I shook my head. "No. At this point, I don't think it'll make any difference if I told him or not."

"Except that Sideburns would be expelled!" Merida exclaimed. She rubbed her hands together in anticipation, smiling excitedly. "Or maybe even worse."

I laughed and gave her a weak smile. "Although I do appreciate your enthusiasm," I said, "even if Hans is expelled or kicked out, it still wouldn't bring Jack's painting back."

"Yeah, but it would get rid of Hans," Merida muttered under her breath.

"You think that maybe Jack could make another painting?" Anna asked, changing the subject, her eyes hopeful.

I shook my head. "At this point, there's no time for anything like that."

"Oh," Anna said glumly, bowing her head down and picking at her salad listlessly. She suddenly turned to me, her expression serious - more serious than I've ever seen her before - and that honestly scared me on what she was going to say. "So what is Jack going to do now?" she said. "What are you going to do if you're not going to tell on Hans?"

I was taken aback by her question. She was spot-on in focusing on the important factors, unlike me. Because truth be told, I didn't know.

But one thing was for certain though: I may have not told on Hans, but he was still in for a world of punishment.

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