Chapter 33

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Hey, guys! I hope you enjoy this part! Happy reading!


Well, it looks like my friends know about my new "relationship status" (still hate those kinds of words though). Let me just sum it up for you: there was a lot of squealing and screaming on Anna and Rapunzel's part, and the only seemingly normal ones in the dorm were me and Elsa (with Elsa acting the average, normal friend and telling me congrats, which was good because I don't think my eardrums could have taken one more shrieking girl).

Hiccup and I have been dating for only two weeks now and, I have to admit, dating is actually pretty fun. I mean, nothing major has changed between me and Hiccup, but from holding hands and him waiting for me after school so we can walk back to our dorms actually feels nice being cared for like that.

But on to more pressing matters. While walking to the library to check out a book about the evolution of economics and their effect on the social structure (blech. Gag me), guess who I happened to bump into?

Hans Westergard.

Okay, I have to be honest and admit that I intentionally bumped into the idiot. Well, what is there to be ashamed of? This guy and I needed to talk. Big time.

"Hans," I said coolly, not even bothering to apologize for my "accident."

"Merida," he nodded. He started walking away just like that when I grabbed him by the arm and roughly pulled him back.

"How dare you do such a thing to Jack," I hissed.

He seemed taken aback at first, but quickly covered it up with a smirk. "Oh, Merida, you always were one to hold a grudge. It's been, what? A month and a half already? Really, your mother should have taught you more on that."

"Don't you dare change the subject and drag my mum into this," I growled, my face threateningly close, "or I swear, I will punch that smirk off your face and shove it up your a-"

He wagged his finger in front of my face (I was almost tempted to bite and snap it off, but I don't put trash in my mouth). "Language, Merida," he tutted like a teacher.

"Listen," he said, smiling pitifully at me, "if all you're going to do is accuse me of ruining Frost's 'work of art,' then I suggest you save your breath and stop acting like Wonder Woman and just go on your merry little way because what you're trying to do here is futile.

"Face it, Merida, I've won. Fair and square," Hans whispered into my ear. He brushed past me before calling back over his shoulder, "Oh, and give my greetings to Nerd Boy. Still such a surprise that your standards are that low to date him."

My fists clenched at my sides. How dare he ruin Jack's work he had been working on for who know how long, accuse my mother of not teaching me manners, and now dragging Hiccup into this.

You know what? That's it. Hans is going to get it. Bad. He's going to pay dearly for crossing the line, and believe me, he's crossed the line so far that you can't even see the line anymore. He thinks he's thought it all through, but hate to break it to you, Sideburns, but these kinds of things will catch up to you.

Because as I like to say, all's fair in love and war.

When Different Worlds CollideOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora