Chapter Ten

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"There's no way in hell. I'm not getting on that thing. Especially not with you on it."

Seriously, what is going through his mind right now. Me? On his bike? Fuck no.

"Oh c'mon sweetheart it's not that bad."
"Yea I'm not trusting you."

He chuckles. There's that fucking laugh again. My face is quite literally as red as a radish.

"Stop being so complicated and just get on the damn bike."

He tosses me a dark blue and black helmet before saddling the bike.

I'm still in shock that I'm actually going to be riding Khaos Blackwell's motorcycle.

"Well don't just stand there and look stupid."

He smirks and I look away trying to avoid any contact with him including eye contact.

"Where's your helmet?"
"Well hopefully you'll be wearing it. Can't have the princess getting hurt."

You've got to be kidding me. Being here is just a constant reminder that none of the shit around here is mine. I put on the dark blue and black helmet and saddle the bike. I'm inches away from Khaos and not one bit of this seems right.

"Hold on tight love."

Oh yeah because that's reassuring. I hold onto the bike itself. I'd much rather risk burning my hands than hold onto Khaos. Willow pulls out of the drive and we follow her. I'd do just about anything to be in the car with her at the moment. Welp here's to being on Khaos Blackwell's bike.

The breeze feels kind of nice. Though I feel like I'm gonna have a heart attack. I know I'm an adrenaline seeker but this is a whole different level. I've never taken this way to the store before. I'm studying all of the scenery. This honestly feels like the longest ride ever. As I'm watching the trees and other cars I feel a shift. He's speeding up.

"Khaos what the hell are you doing!"

I have to yell in order for him to hear me.

"Giving you the ride of your life!"

No seriously what goes through his head. He's fucking crazy. He speeds up more and at this point I'm generally scared.

"Khaos slow down you're scaring me!"

Yep you guessed it. He doesn't fucking care nor does he listen. He actually does the opposite. I don't even know how fast we're going and to be honest I don't know if I want to know.

I feel my hand slipping off of the bike. Fuck fuck fuck. It's obvious he wasn't going to slow down anytime soon and we still had a little ways to go until we reached the store. There's no way im going to be able to make it. My hand slips off some more and I'm fairly close to falling. I have to let go of my self morals for once. There's no way I'm risking death because of this idiot.

I quickly latch onto Khaos's waist. I feel like a koala attached to a tree right now. I know he's enjoying every little bit of this. He better take it all in now because as soon as I step foot on the ground he's a dead man. I'm kind of tired so I rest my head against his back and I feel him tense up. I move my hands lower on his waist and wait until we arrive.

Willows car is still in front of us. There's no cars around at the moment which is surprising. We arrive and park right next to Willow. I've never let go of someone or something quicker in my entire life.

"See I told you it wouldn't be that bad," he says, getting off the bike.
"Oh yea says the person who nearly got me killed."
"I told you to hold on tight, that's not my fault."
"Okay but you never told me I had to hold onto you."

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