Chapter 2: Riot

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My music blared, my workbench was a mess ranging from broken pipes to a pile of charges. It was my specialty to handle explosives as dangerously as possible, the detonator on my hip along with my baby. The love of my life, my pistol. I made it myself, shoots fine with hella recoil.


Could've sworn someone was calling me just then.. eh I don't mind. I was focused making a new type of bomb. This time it was timed instead of me havin to do it myself. Lazy? Nah I'm being innovative.


There it was again. That was my name right? I don't even remember. I nodded my head to my rock song, the name of it I can't recall but the band died years ago. Such a shame. AHA! Think I got this working. Can't let it blow up in here now can I??



He paused my music! Ack he looks mad.

"What have you done?! A building in the outskirts was destroyed today! And I know it was you!"

"Ouch! Guess you would've found out eventually... ha ha!! What about it?"

Oh the man yelling at me is Max. He's a bitch. Nah I'm kiddin' I owe him a lot. My father figure I guess but he gets on me too much for experimenting n' stuff like that. He keeps yelling at me, his black suit looked fancy though. I don't wanna ruin it. My "room" was filled with my paintings. We ran out of paint so I used the next best thing! Paint... but sprayable. And... blood. But that doesn't matter! Uhm..

"LISTEN TO ME! You need to stop before someone gets hurt!"

"Tch! Get off me Max, nobody knows it was me."

"That's exactly where you're wrong.. everybody knows who you are!"


I got all happy knowing I was popular! I laughed. Max sighed and just walked out, closing the door behind him. I went to my workbench and strapped some bombs to my belts, one last look at myself. I fixed my blue and purple hair, my jacket swaying behind me as I walked to the back. The back of my room had no floor, and because I lived in a rather tall building I could just jump right off!! My favorite part is waiting till the very last moment to stop myself, the wind blowing on me as I spun in the air. The city around me glowing with bright lights in the night, spotlights focused on me as troops waited for me below. I slapped my thigh, my legs became armored with metal and glowing purple lights. I did a super hero landing, hurting my hand a bit as I came face to face with the WSF. Tch.


They aimed axes, bows, they rigged ballistas with chains to trap me. Looks like I am known after all.


"So annoying."

I pressed my detonator, the building walls to the side of the troop exploded with bright colors getting all over their armor. I ran in with my fists. My backpack that I really don't use as I should deployed an exoskeleton over my arms, expanding to cover my fists in a metal frame. 


1 2! One down with a couple of punches, I dropped a couple of charges on my around. Another one fell as I tripped him and stomped on his skull. 

"You got blood on me! Ewwww!!"

I grabbed one guys head and threw him into his buddies spear, I've dropped a couple of boom booms so I should I be good to just leap out. I jumped higher with my armor, grabbing my detonator and finishing off the rest of them. Their gear destroyed as a fire quickly spread. Oops I better leave, my armor folded back up behind my heel and into my pack; quickly running away to the main city area.

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