"Luffy, should we call your dad to tell him we are here and he can come here?"

"But Shanks just left... and he knows we are here.."Luffy asked Confused..

"Fufufufu I mean your other dad Luffy."

"Oh.. you mean dad? Yeah let's call him." Luffy said smiling.

"Hello dad. We are back in Windmill you can come to get Robin."
"Sure Luffy. I will be there by evening. Let's meet in the party bar."
"Ok dad. Let's meet in the evening."

"Robin he will be here in the evening. Let's go train in the forest." Luffy said dragging Robin.

"Yeah let's go."

"Luffy, do you think Shanks will be ok? I mean Garp san is looking for him..."

"Shanks is strong. But jii chan is stronger but I am sure he will be ok shishishishi."

Robin just smiled...

They were waiting for Dragon to show up in the Party Bar..
"Makino, dad is late."

"Hmmm he is.. should we eat while waiting for him?"

"Yeah! Food!"

When suddenly there was wind and a person stood among the three present.

"Dad!" Luffy said hugging Dragon.
Dragon was shocked but hold Luffy and hugged back with a smile..

"Dragon san." Robin and Makino nodded(?)
"Makino, Nico Robin." Dragon gave them a nod in return.

After they all settled down.
"Dad! I have 2 dads now.. "

"Oh.. so you met your other dad? Or did you know about it in the future?"


"Dragon San what do you mean by that?"

"Um didn't you met Luffy's other dad? Then who are you talking about Luffy?"

"Shanks! My nakama and Shanks' nakama said he is like my dad. So now I have 2 dad's!" Luffy said while eating..

"Oh.. well.. then you have 3 dads..."

"What!? 3!? Cool!!" Luffy had stars in his eyes...

"Dragon San if you don't mind me asking who is Luffy's 3rd dad?"

"Yeah who is my 3rd dad?"

"It's Crocodile."


"What!!? Crocodile is my dad!? I don't like him. He hurted my friend!"

Dragon nodded.


"Well.. the thing is.. Crocodile and I used to date.. we dated for around 2/3 yrs.. but he has always been a guy.." Dragon said a bit shyly..

The others looked shocked that Dragon and Crocodile used to date... Makino didn't know who Crocodile was but it was shocking enough that Dragon dated someone...

"Well.. I knew Vegapunk, and since I liked Crocodile.. I asked him to make a baby for me in the lab.. I thought it will be ok with both of us... and I had told the same to Crocodile who also wanted a baby.."

He looked at others and saw Luffy wasn't really much interested in the story... but the others were... he had no problem in them knowing this.. so he continued..

"One day, Ivankov accidently injected him with hormones and changed his gender.. Vegapunk was also present that time, so he asked and used Crocodile's female form and me to make Luffy in Lab..."

"So Luffy is not natural born?"

"No. He is born scientifically."

"Uh.. wow.. that's a lot to take in.."

"Huh? So what's the difference?" Luffy asked..

"Nothing Luffy. Just that people have mom and Dad and you have 2 dads." Makino said smiling.


"Dragon san does Crocodile know Luffy is his kid?"

"No. He doesn't before Luffy was born, we separated due our differences.. in the worldview.. I tried contacting him but..." Dragon said shaking his head... sadly..

"I see.. Do you think Crocodile will love his son?"

"I am not sure now.. but he wanted a child as much as I did.."

"Hmmm Luffy, we might have to change some plans in future..."

"Sure Robin. Do whatever you think is needed." Luffy said smiling.

"If you wanted a child why didn't you keep Luffy with you?"

"Well the process took a lot of time... and before he was born I saw what happened to Roger and other parent's just because  Roger might have a son... it was also then when I separated with Crocodile.."

"I didn't want Luffy to die, I also thought if I kept Luffy near me, he might only chose Revolutionary as a career and I wanted him to have an option.. so.. I gave him to my father. As much as my father is a loud mouth. He can keep Luffy safe unlike me..."

"He did...One of Luffy's brother to be is Roger's son. So if Garp san can hide Roger's son he can definitely hide his own grandson..."

"What he did? that's good.. but other children didn't deserve death. That's why I hate marines and world Government." Dragon.

"Dragon san I am sure you will b eable to change the world. And with Luffy here, it's definitely possible.." Makino.

"Yeah.. with Luffy it is.. Luffy did you meet your brothers yet?"

"No. Not yet. Jii chan will take me to the mountain bandits then I will meet them."

Dragon nodded..

"Nico Robin, what are you planning to do now? Are you gonna look for Poneglyphs?"

"I will stay with Revolutionary, and I will see if I can see more Poneglyphs but I won't go beyond where our last adventure... I would love to complete my dream with my Nakama" Robin said smiling..
"I see.."

"And I have 1 more thing to ask.. I want me joining Revolutionary to be secret if possible.."

"Yeah we can see to that.. by the way where is Red hair Shanks, I didn't see him or his ship?"

"Oh.. he left already in the morning.."

"Garp san is looking for Shanks because he apparently kidnapped Luffy."

Dragon winced and prayed for Shanks..

Luffy laughed.

Thank u for the 1k+ views and 35+ votes...

Dragon and Crocodile were dating b4 Roger was executed.
They break up after coz Crocodile wanted  to rule(?) And Dragon wanted equality(?)..

I used the concept of Luffy's birth from the Weevil and Stussy.. since Oda apparently said Luffy's mom is not that important to story(?)... but since one of the reader said they would like Crocomom theory used, so I used it in this way...

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