Chapter 6: The Riverbank

Start from the beginning

They come across a riverbank covered in dead bodies. Pete cautiously approaches one and pokes it with his rifle. Y/N clenches his fists nervously, his eye darting between the bodies.

"Full'a holes," Pete remarks.

Clementine asks, "Who do you think did this?"

Y/N, trying to mask his horror, responds, "It wasn't walkers."

"Not sure yet," Pete says, "But it ain't your average gang'a thugs, that much I know."

"Think about it," Nick interjects, "You're Carver; what do you do?"

"Who's Carver?" Clementine inquires.

Y/N looks pensive. "Carver? Why does that name sound familiar?" He inquires, remembering that someone in the cabin had mentioned him before.

Pete and Nick exchange a glance, signaling the importance of the name.

Pete, pointing to some of the bodies, instructs, "Examine those. Be careful; some of 'em might still be moving."

As Pete and Nick move to investigate, Y/N approaches a backpack near one of the bodies, cautiously opening it.

"What can I do?" Clementine asks, wanting to be of assistance.

Pete replies, "Look for clues, anything that might tell us who did this."

After a few moments, Clementine questions Pete again, "Is this one shot too?"

Pete, examining another body, confirms, "Yeah. These fellas got lit up somethin' good."

"I got it," Nick says, visibly annoyed, "Just... look elsewhere."

Concerned, Clementine asks, "Are you sure you're okay?"

Nick snaps back, "Ask my uncle. He knows everything."

Clementine, kneeling next to another body, observes, "This one's shot too."

Pete, intrigued, asks, "Through the head?"

"Yeah..." Clementine responds.

Pete motions to the other bodies, "Search the rest. And look for any leftover ammo. Our supplies are dwindling."

Clementine squints at the distance, noticing the sandbar. "There's more on that side!"

Pete exhales deeply, "This isn't some random skirmish."

Nick looks around, panic evident in his eyes, "So, what was it?"

Pete answers with an air of grim familiarity, "FUBAR."

Seeing Pete's intent to head across the river, Nick's anxiety spikes. "Where do you think you're going? We should leave! Now!"

But Pete's resolve is firm, "I need to inspect the rest."

Nick, incredulous, retorts, "Why would you risk that?!"

While wading across the river, Pete calmly advises, "Take a moment, breathe, and think, Nick."

Nick, frustration bubbling over, snaps, "Breathe? We need to go!"

Pete's voice is stern, "Get a grip, Nick."

Clementine, ever the voice of reason, adds, "Maybe we should fetch the others?"

Pete nods, "I'd prefer that. But if one of these people is alive, they might provide answers."

As Pete continues his investigation, he instructs, "Stay here for now. Keep searching."

Y/N watches Clementine as she carefully maneuvers across the rocks to the opposite side of the river. "Be careful, Clem!" He shouts as he crosses over right behind her.

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