32| "You know I'll always pick up"

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"How was it?" She asked.

"Oh it was good..." I said and she looked at me, eyes narrowed as she studied me.

"There's soemthing else. I know there is."


"Spill." She said and leaned forward on the island, so she was closer to me.

"So remember that CEO who wanted to do business with me but I couldn't cause I had to go to London?"

"Connor Slade?"


Her jaw dropped.

"Oh my gosh. what happened?" She asked. Now she was sitting on the table, legs crossed.

"He asked me out for dinner." I exposed.

"Ahhhh!" She squealed.

"Do you even know how hot the man is. He's even in the top ten hottest and richest men in the world."

I smiled.

"I don't even know what to wear." I said.

"Oh girl. Imma help you don't stress. We can go shopping like right now."

"Okay. But we'll need to hurry because it's today and I need to swing by the office as well." I said

"Oh okay cool. That's fine. We'll make this work."

I was about to speak when she beats me to it.

"Does Amara know or Ace?"

"Ha. The fuck I'd tell him and Amara she doesn't know. I should probably talk to her about it, when we come back."

"Okay then let's get going." She said getting off the table and I gulped the rest of my wine.

We got to the car and Tristain and Amara were singing to Sofia The First's theme song.

"Can this man get any hotter. He even knows Disney song." She said.

"Aubrey just shoot your shot."

"No. I'm not dating."

"Okay. Do whatever that helps you sleep."

We got into the car. Amara was sitting in front with Tristain and we were at the backseat.

"Tristian please take us to the mall."


Aubrey slapped my arm.

"His voice." She mouthed at me. I let out a small laugh.

"Oh and this is my one and only  beat friend, Aubrey." I introduced her.

He turned sound so he could see her and he liked his lips.

"Tristian. Come on now. You just met her." I said looking at him in disappointment.

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