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welcome to I

Your eyes are like clouds for even when they fill will sorrow and drown the land they paint the sky with unimaginable beauty.

My dear, every time your eyes cry like the sea, I will be the sand that waits for you on the shore to dry your tears.

If I could rearrange the universe I'd replace her as every star visible so that I could gaze upon her beauty every night.

If you were the sun I'd continue staring even though I'd go blind, as your beauty overcomes the sense of pain I shall feel just to see you.

You could never have a reflection as not even a mirror could mimic your beauty.

Like a piece of art, my eyes cannot help but gaze upon the strokes of which God created, for he envisioned a being as beautiful as you.

Deafen me, and I will stay hear you speak.
Blind me, and all I will see is your face.
In your absence, my sense are full of your presence.

Just as the seasons change I change for you, as though one day I might be worthy of your grace and beauty.


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