Love Me Instead

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: "Sweet dreams, my little archivist."

This was the fifth time Orion re-read the text today while working. His spark still fluttered every time he saw those sweet words.

Megatronus sent this message a week ago after he made sure the librarian got home safely. It melted Orion's heart to see the gladiator being so soft and caring. And it's even better that Megatonous acted as such towards him, only.

Orion shyly covered his cheeks with his hands.

'How hard I had fallen for him.' He thought to himself sheepishly.

The librarian's thoughts were filled by this gentle giant 24/7. He did noticed that he himself had started drifting off a lot more often while working, but he just couldn't help it. He mindlessly flipped through his monitor and unconsciously channelled it to Kaon. The archivist began to go through small chats and video feeds.

: "They're definitely dating."

Orion switched back to the previous channel. He recognized that voice. It was from one of the gladiatorial matches' organizers. The name was Grid, if he remembered it correctly.

: "Who could've thought? But, y'know, why would anyone not want to be with the champion?"

Another voice came in. It was Hinge, also an organizer.

Were they talking about Megatronus?
Orion frowned slightly in confusion.

: "Fair, fair. I just didn't expect it to be reciprocated. I thought Megatronus wasn't interested in anyone."

So it WAS Megatronus.
Dating? Was Megatronus dating someone?

: "But it was reasonable, though. That little one is small and pretty. It's rarely seen in this hellhole."

: "Let alone that gorgeous would often come a long way to this damned place just to meet him. I would be so touched by the act and efforts, too."

: "Agree. I've never seen him treating anyone this gentle. Honestly I was VERY surprised. Never knew a gladiator can be soft."

: "Yeah. Me neither."

Small? And often went all the way to Kaon?
Orion blinked.
Orion wouldn't consider himself pretty, but he did receive quite an amount of compliments from others.

Treating someone soft and gently? He remembered how warmly Megatronus smiled at him, and the text he had read countless times.

Orion's spark tightened. He could feel his face heated up.

Could me? Were they talking about me?

'Is it possible—' Orion felt his spark pounded hard and he bit his lips, '— that they though Megatronus and I were dating?'

: "They would make a nice couple, don't you think?" It was Grid again.

: "Aeroe surely had the charm to win his heart."

Orion froze.

: "Speak of the gorgeous. Hey Aeroe!"


Orion knew this name. She transported mineral from Koan to Crystal City. Sometimes she even participated in the matches. Orion had seen her once or twice, but he didn't pay much attention.

: "Hello you both! Have you seen Megatronus?" A sweet voice came through the monitor channel.

Grid smirked. "Whoa there, already leaving us for your sparkemate?"

She giggled. "Not yet sparkmate. And come on, we just had a drink last night!"

"Just joking. He's at the medical bay. Just finished his round."

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