Chapter 7: In the Kanhondo's Lair

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Twin waterfalls on opposite sides tumbled into the pit, foaming and roaring as they crashed into the lake below. Angélio looked up, following the lovely vine ladder ascending to the hole above that looked like a fist-sized disk from which misty, yellow light shone. It's a long way up, he thought, swallowing with a gulp.

He looked ahead to where the lake drained into a single river that seemed to be filled with millions of glittering, blue stars. The sparkling light from beneath the flowing waters danced all along the sides of the cave and on the black stalactites hanging from the cavern ceiling. Angélio exhaled, thankful it wasn't pitch black down there. He took one last look at his surroundings to memorize where he'd come in, figuring it was a good idea to keep that in mind.

I'll need to get out of here at some point, he thought.

Angélio walked along a narrow, rocky path that went around the lake and hugged the right side of the cave, where thick ringlet vines crept along the wall. The river sang a trickling song in his ears while the crisp-cool air showered his lungs with the perfume of damp earth. For a moment, Angélio forgot he was in the lair of a beastly serpent. Alone. But that uncomfortable thought sent an icy chill cutting through his body.

What does it look like? He wondered, imagining a giant, slimy snake with glowing red eyes the size of soccer balls and a heart-stopping hiss. Angélio stopped dead in his tracks. Have I lost my mind? What have I gotten myself into?

He was about to turn back when he heard something in the distance. Angélio instantly whipped his head forward. Was that sobbing? But he was supposed to be alone down here. The more he listened, the more he was sure someone was in distress. And it sounded like a small child--or even a baby.

Could he really leave without helping the baby? Of course not, he thought and hurried forward, following the crying sound, growing louder with each step. Before rounding the corner, Angélio reached back and drew one of the spears out. Just in case.

As he was about to step out from behind his hiding place, an enormous bat breezed by, clutching a small human-like creature in its bony claws. With a pounding heart echoing in his ear, Angélio reflexively threw the spear, which missed by a mile. He sighed in frustration. But there was no time to dwell on that. He took a breath and hurled a second spear at the skeletal terror with flapping leathery wings.


The spear struck its target.

A blood-freezing shriek erupted from the bat's mouth. But much to Angélio's dismay, it didn't fall out of the air--nor did it release its victim. Instead, the flying beast turned around. And the horrible creature locked those four fire-red eyes on Angélio. A chill rattled his spine. He was invisible. But that thing could see him. He could feel it.

Now Angélio got a good look at the bat. Part of him wished he hadn't, though. Cracked bones lined the outside of the creature's body; its furry head had a wrinkly, horned snout and wide, round ears. But worst of all was the long, drooling, red tongue hanging out of its knife-teeth-filled mouth.

It flew at Angélio.

There was barely time to react. Angélio couldn't throw the spear he'd just drawn.


Angélio opened his eyes to see the awful bat impaled on the spear he'd just managed to hold out in front of his trembling body. His grip loosened, and he dropped the weapon. The creature made a small shriek but was otherwise frozen. Two spears protruded from its skeletal body; one in the back and one in the front.

The little victim quickly crawled away from the fallen bat.

Suddenly, a hibiscus of bright white bloomed on one of the spears. In the blink of an eye, dozens of flowers appeared on each weapon--joined by leafy branches. Soon the whole bat was completely consumed by the lovely bush. And then, a dark red colour slowly washed over the petals of all the flowers. No trace of the winged terror was left.

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