Chapter 6: The Pit of Drokal

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Instinctively, Angélio opened his eyes, rubbed the sleep out of them, and reached over for his mother's photo. His heart sank. There was nothing there for him to grasp. He couldn't tell her buenos días (good morning) or kiss her smiling face. All he had was a memory of what was. Tears welled up in his eyes, threatening to trickle down his face.

Roende's words rang in his ears and echoed in his mind shouldn't cry; it's not appropriate for boys.

The thought pressed down on him like a crushing stone. If only he could just throw it off. But instead, he caved under its weight. He dried the tears that escaped and held the other back. And yet, he didn't feel any better. Angélio just felt heavy and angry. But couldn't say why. He just wished he hadn't remembered that.

"I just wish Mami was here," Angélio mumbled to himself.

He looked up at the ceiling. Night was being chased away by rising golden rays, growing ever brighter. Then he turned to the right and his eyes went wide. White petals sprinkled with glittering dew drops were floating in the air--all in a line, which lead to the window.

Angélio climbed out of the hammock and touched one of the petals. He let out a small gasp as it rippled like water, leaving his finger damp. Suddenly, they engulfed him, forming a sphere of swirling petals around Angélio.

Soft, salty raindrops started falling all around him. Angélio wanted to run but his feet refused to move. A chilling breeze brushed against his skin, sending shivers down his spine. Someone spoke his name. Angélio dared not believe his ears. Although it was distorted, he knew that voice. But he hadn't heard it in too long.

With a quivering lip, he said the word, "¿Mamá?"

"Yes, mijo (my son)," Ángela replied. "It's so good to see you."

Angélio rubbed the rain out of his eyes and there she was... his beloved mother. She was clothed in a beautiful white dress. Her hair stood tall, blooming with white hibiscus flowers that were red in the centre, and was tied with a gold headwrap just above her forehead.

Without hesitating, Angélio raced into her open arms. She squeezed him tight, and he returned the favour.

"Te extraño mucho," he said, letting his tears flow freely.

"I miss you too, my beautiful boy, muchísimo (very much)," Ángela kissed his forehead. "But I don't have much time."

"You're leaving?" Angélio looked up at his mother.

"I don't make the rules," she replied, drying his tears.

"But you can't--I don't want you to go," he held her tight.

"Please, take this," Ángela opened his right hand and touched her index finger to his.

Three knotted black circles with different patterns appeared on Angélio's finger; the medium circle was inside the largest one and the smallest one was inside the medium circle. And each of them turned in different directions at different speeds.

"You must not tell anyone in the castle about this. Farewell, mijo," she said.

"No, no, no," Angélio tried to hold. "Please don't go."

"Though you can't always see me, know that I'm always with you," Ángela said, fading away.

Angélio sat up in the hammock and threw his eyes open. His heart was pounding like a hammer. He looked towards the window and breathed a heavy sigh. No floating petals were anywhere in sight. Then he looked at his finger. And there they were: the three circles.

The door creaked as it opened. Roende stepped into the room. Remembering his mother's words: You must not tell anyone in the castle about this, Angélio shoved his hand into his pocket.

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