I'm about to say something when I realize I would probably need my rock with me to go open my heart to someone else.

I look at the elevator call buttons. Number 10 is shining bright in the circle. It's going to take a long time for it to reach us in the fourth floor.

"Do you want to take the stairs?" I ask him. "It's quicker."

He casts a glance at the call buttons. "Sure, I'll race you." With that, he runs down the stairs leaving me baffled in the hallway. My brain finally catches up with everything and I take off running.

When I reach the lobby, I find Brandon standing casually with an elbow on the receptionist's desk. He seems to be flirting with her. The boy seriously has no shame, the woman appears to be the same age as my grandmother.

"Hi," I greet her before snatching his arms. "Let's go."

Despite his long legs, Brandon trains behind me. "I'll be back for those cookies, Mrs. Charles."

"Since when do you know the receptionist?"

"She gave me cookies when I came here last time."

I roll my eyes. "The bus is coming. We have to hurry," I rush him.

Indeed, I was right. The bus stops as soon as we reach the stop.

"Do you even know where to get off to get to Cassie's house?" He asks when we take the seats behind the driver.

"How do you know I'm going to Cassie's house?"

"How many other friends do you have?" He smirks.

"Touché. You've been there before so you must know."

"As a matter of fact, I do. That's to prove once more that you can't do anything without me. You'd be lost, literally."

I sigh "Get off your high horse, Brandon."

"But I love it here," he winks at me. My face burns as I try to make myself small in the seat, not thinking about all the germs I'm catching right now.

The door slams in my face.

"I should have seen that coming," I say.

Cassie doesn't bother to listen to what I have to say. She makes the housekeeper close the door as soon as she hears my voice. According to her, I'm at the top of the list of people not allowed in the property.

"What now?" Brandon says.

"Be my spokesperson?" I question.

"You do realize she just slammed the door at me too, right?"

"She only saw me, not you."

"Fine. But if they arrest us for trespassing, I'm blaming you."

"I'm cool with that."

I laugh but I'm so nervous. I can feel my heart beating on the sole of my feet.

"Wait," I cry just as his knuckles are about to make contact with the mahogany wood. "Should I really be asking for forgiveness when I refused to give it to Darwin?"

"You're nothing like Darwin," he kisses my forehead. His lips lay there for a while before he shifts to look deep into my eyes. "Don't compare yourself with him."

Cassie opens the door this time when he knocks. She was probably expecting me because she covered Brandon in water as soon as the door opens.

"Oh My God, Brandon?" She shrieks in disbelief.

Behind every mean girl...there's a tragedyWhere stories live. Discover now