The Black Mask

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The streets of Gotham were silent, the city was asleep. But suddenly, a loud explosion echoed through the darkness, followed by the sound of shattering glass. Batman quickly suited up and headed towards the source of the disturbance.

As he arrived at the scene, he saw the wreckage of a jewelry store. Catwoman was already there, searching through the rubble. "Looks like Black Mask is up to his old tricks again," she said as she stood up and dusted herself off.

Batman nodded in agreement. "We need to find out what he's planning next," he said, as they headed back to the Batcave.

Once they arrived, they were greeted by the rest of their team: Sonic the Hedgehog, Knuckles the Echidna, and Samus Aran. "We've been tracking Black Mask's movements," Samus said, as she showed them a holographic map of the city. "He's been moving his operations towards the docks."

The team quickly suited up and made their way towards the docks. As they arrived, they saw Black Mask's thugs loading crates onto a ship. "We need to stop them before they can leave the city," Sonic said, as he charged towards the thugs.

Knuckles and Catwoman followed Sonic into the fray, taking down the thugs with ease. Batman and Samus covered them from a distance, taking out any enemies that tried to escape. But just as they thought they had the situation under control, a figure emerged from the shadows.

It was Deathstroke, the infamous mercenary. He was working for Black Mask, and he wasn't going to let the heroes interfere with his plans. The team prepared to fight, knowing that Deathstroke was a formidable opponent.

The battle was intense, but the heroes managed to overcome Deathstroke and his allies. As they stood victorious, they realized that this was just the beginning. Black Mask was still out there, and they needed to stop him before he could cause any more damage.

"We need to keep a close eye on him," Batman said, as they made their way back to the Batcave. "And we need to be prepared for anything."

The team agreed, knowing that they had to stay vigilant if they wanted to protect Gotham City from the likes of Black Mask and his allies. With that, they resumed their patrols, ready to face whatever threats came their way.

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