Galactic Battle

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As Galactus loomed in the distance, our heroes knew that they had a daunting task ahead of them. Sonic, Batman, Wombat Stu, Spider-Man, and a group of other heroes had banded together to stop the world-devouring giant.

The team flew towards Galactus in their ships, with Sonic and Spider-Man leading the way. They knew that they had to come up with a plan to stop him, and fast.

As they drew closer, Galactus sent out a powerful shockwave that nearly destroyed their ships. Batman quickly rallied the team, and they knew that they had to work together if they had any hope of stopping him.

Sonic and Spider-Man raced towards Galactus, dodging his blasts as they went. Wombat Stu and Batman provided cover fire, taking out any smaller threats that got in their way.

Once they reached Galactus, Sonic and Spider-Man used their incredible speed to dodge his attacks, while also landing blows of their own. Wombat Stu and Batman continued to provide support from a distance, keeping the other forces at bay.

The battle raged on for hours, with neither side gaining the upper hand. But eventually, the heroes found a weakness in Galactus's defenses. They worked together to exploit this weakness, landing a powerful blow that sent the giant reeling.

With one final push, the heroes managed to defeat Galactus and save the galaxy from destruction. As they returned home, exhausted but victorious, they knew that they had accomplished something truly great. And they knew that they would always be ready to answer the call whenever the galaxy was in danger once again.

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