Fett's Hunt

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Boba Fett had finally broken out of jail after being imprisoned for his criminal activities. The bounty hunter was furious that Mr. Beast had failed to pay him for the job he did hunting his friends. Boba Fett was determined to track down Mr. Beast and make him pay, no matter what it took.

As he began his pursuit of Mr. Beast, Mario and Luigi happened to be visiting Mr. Beast's mansion. They noticed Boba Fett sneaking around and immediately realized something was wrong. Mario and Luigi, being the heroic plumbers that they are, decided to protect Mr. Beast from Boba Fett's wrath.

The two brothers sprang into action and engaged Boba Fett in a heated battle. Mario and Luigi fought valiantly, using all of their skills and abilities to hold off the bounty hunter. Meanwhile, Mr. Beast frantically tried to find a way to escape the danger that was closing in on him.

As the battle raged on, Boba Fett's anger and frustration boiled over, and he decided to take drastic action. He drew his blaster and aimed it directly at Mr. Beast, intending to eliminate him once and for all. However, just as he was about to pull the trigger, Mario and Luigi managed to disarm him and knock him unconscious.

Mr. Beast, now safe and unharmed, thanked Mario and Luigi for their heroic actions. He also promised to pay Boba Fett for his previous job, hoping to prevent any further conflicts in the future. With the situation resolved, Mario and Luigi bid farewell to Mr. Beast and left the mansion, ready for their next adventure.

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