Exploring Bodies

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Serenity woke up and groaned. She saw Vali sleeping next to her. Malakai was already up and was waiting. "Lady Fujakante. We need to change your bandages." Serenity nodded and took her dress off. Vali groaned as he sat up. He saw Serenity, and he blushed. He watched Malakai redo the bandages. "What happened?"

"I'm fine, Vali." Serenity said. "You'll rip your stitches!"

"Bullshit!" Vali stood up quickly, and he winced as he tore his stitches. "Those are whip marks!"

"Sit down." Malakai said. "Lilith, I need you to redo Vali's stitches."

"I told you I'm fine. It's not your fault." Vali winced as Lilith did the stitches.

"Tell me what happened." Vali demanded.

"I was kidnapped. The reason why I'm not healing as fast is because they injected me with wolfsbane for four years."

"How old are you? I'm 18." Vali asked.


"You were kidnapped when you were twelve?" Vali whispered. Serenity nodded as Lilith came and helped her put on a white dress. Vali got dressed, and they made their way to Kyoto. Serenity looked around in awe as she saw the stalls. Vali smiled, and Malakai laughed.

"We should be having an escort meet us." Malakai said.

"Lady Fujakante!" A man's voice said. Serenity saw Dvalin come running towards them.

"Who is she?" Serenity asked. She saw a blonde haired woman come up.

"I'm your escort." The woman said. "The name is Delila." Serenity nodded, and they made their way to a shrine. Delila just noticed Vali. "This must be Vali. His friends are worried."


"We have two baths ready." Serenity hummed, and they followed the escort.


Serenity sighed in relief as she sat in the bathtub. Vali sat opposite of her, and the tip of his ears was red. When Serenity said she was going to take a bath with him, he thought she was joking. So when she followed him into the bathroom, he froze when she stripped. He looked down as her eyes were closed. She was beautiful, and Vali reached out to touch her. He got on his knees and fell forward. He stopped him from falling, holding onto the sides. Serenity opened her eyes, and she blushed when Vali's face was inches away. "What are you doing?"

"I'm sorry." He went to move away, but Serenity wrapped her legs around his waist to stop him.

"What are you doing? Answer me."

"I went to touch you, and I leaned too far forward." Vali whispered. Serenity moved his hand to her chest. Her lips were centimeters away from his.

"Go on, touch me, Vali." Serenity said against his lips. They both sat up, and Vali held her breasts in his hands. They fit perfectly. He ran his thumbs over her nipples and she let out a gasp. Vali looked up and saw her blushing. He moved his hands down her sides, and she whimpered. He moved his hanes to her hips and gripped them. Serenity moaned softly, and Vali moved his hands to her thighs. She got on her knees as he moved his hand up her thighs.

"Is this what a girl feels like?" Vali asked. "He felt her pussy and she moaned when he ran his fingers across a nub. "What is this?"

"My clit. Makes me feel good." Vali moved his hands to her ass and smirked. He gripped it as she moaned. "My turn." Serenity hummed. She ran her fingers across his shoulders and down his back. She ran her hands down his six pack and down his V-line. "Your body is toned just perfectly." Serenity ran her hands over his biceps and gripped them. "Perfect for holding me up while fucking me." She whispered to herself. Vali blushed because he heard her very well. Serenity ran her fingers against his collarbone. "I want to bite you and mark your skin." She whined. Vali blushed harder

"You're not the only one." Vali said. Serenity looked down and saw his cock.

"Mmm so it is true. You guys are well endowed. Can I touch it?" Vali nodded and Serenity touched it softly. She grasped it in her hand. "It's already half hard." There was a major sexual tension between the two of them. Serenity kissed him and Vali kissed her back. He gripped her thighs and she pulled away. "Need you."

"Fuck. I'm going to mark this pretty little skin." Vali sucked red marks along her neck and shoulders. Both of them yelped when Serenity was pulled away. Malakai had her in his arms and Serenity whined.

"Absolutely not." Serenity yelped as Malakai dried her body. Lilith came in and they dressed her. "You need to get dressed too boy!" Serenity helplessly got dragged out. She ripped her arms away.

"What the fuck is your problem!?" Serenity yelled at the werewolf.

"My problem is you're to be married to Yasaka!" He yelled.

"So you want me to give my virginity to a girl!? It doesn't work like that! Vali is a male! And he's half human, something that is very needed so I can birth the next heir! I'm pretty sure Yasaka knows this. Besides, it's better than me getting gangraped by a bunch of humans!" Serenity screamed at him. She noticed that she wasn't alone.

"So what!?" Malakai yelled.

"Enough!!!" A voice yelled. Serenity froze at that voice. Daemon appeared in front of her.


"What the hell is going on?"

"She's trying to fuck a devil!"

"The Lucifer with Divine Dividing? Yeah I know everything. Besides, it's better than what the werewolves are planning." Daemon scoffed. "They plan on drugging her with wolfsbane and getting her gangraped by a bunch of humans when she's in heat."

"What?" Malakai growled.

"She has yet to be eighteen. I bless the relationship between Serenity and Vali." Daemon said before disappearing.

"I do not mind Serenity having a male mate in this relationship." The older kyuubi spoke up. "Hello Lady Fujakante, I am Princess Yasaka."

"I apologize for my subject's misbehavior. He will be punished thoroughly." Serenity growled. Malakai bowed his head. Vali came running in and he saw Serenity furious. Thirteen fox tails were out and her eyes were glowing golden.

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