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1382 YT

"Pass the flint and steel,"

"Why? You have me," I state. "I can start the fire with the snap of my fingers,"

"Not all of us can start fires with the snap of our fingers, and some of us need the practice," Turca says tossing Pityo the flint and steel.

Pityo sticks his tongue out at his older brother. Turca on the other hand chuckles. Turca then turns to the youngest feanorian. "How's the deer coming?"

"See for yourself," Telvo says. He spreads his arms at his shot and cleaned prize. It was a beautiful buck. A worthy adversary. 

When Turca asked a week ago if I wanted to go hunting I never thought I'd be enjoying myself as much as I have been. I enjoy the skills and time required to master them. This trip hopefully will be one of many.

Under my head, Huan moves. I tickle the great hound's fur to calm him. This doesn't work, he lets out a low growl. That grabs my attention.

Focusing my hearing, I listen to what the hound hears. Footsteps. Who could have followed us? No tracked. They would have tracked us.

I grab the cleaned hunting knife Telvo used hours ago to skin the buck. It's small but easily manoeuvrable. Training with Eonwe has left me with the ability to use blades easily. This knife is no exception.

Huan stands, keeping glued to my side as I move towards the footsteps. The great hound growls once more and then stops altogether. His head tilts like he questioning what he hears.

I glance down at my companion. That is new.

My ears perk up as a twig snaps. Whoever is out there is close. Too close for comfort.

"Show yourself," I shout.




Now it makes sense. Huan. The sneaking. It makes perfect sense. Turca used to come back from hunts complaining about Irisse. I always assumed he meant she bested him. Now I may not. She must have snuck up on his and scared the shit out of him.

"Do you always sneak up on Turca?" I ask as Irisse comes out from a tree. Her white attire glows in Teleprions light. She looks otherworldly.

"Most of the time yeah," My cousin shrugs.

Only her.

"Shall we scare him?"

Irisse grins.

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